BCA Collection / Archives

@ UCLA Library – University of California Los Angeles Library

The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) has its archive collection housed at the UCLA Library Special Collections. Please read the article below for more information about the collection.

Additional Information about the BCA Collection

(This information was from the Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple website.  Ref. November 2019 – Click Here for link: www.VHBT.org )

Archival Resources

Below are some resources that may be helpful in starting an archival project at your temple.

JANM Archival Seminar

Jaime Henricks, BCA Archivist at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), gave a seminar on how to get started in performing an archival project at your temple. Recorded at the Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple on July 24, 2017.

JANM Archival Seminar

Here is a handout that was distributed at the seminar: Handout

Online Documentation

Insuring the Future of Our Past, by Boyd Cathey (2003)

Principles and Practice: An Introduction to Archives for Non-Archivists, UK National Archives (2016)

Collection Development Tools and Guidance, UK National Archives (2011)

Wanted: for the BCA Collection

The Buddhist Churches of America has its archive collection housed at the UCLA Library Special Collections. Here is a flyer with a request for archival materials that you can send to your temple members:

BCA Request for Archival Material

Transfer of BCA Archives to UCLA

Transfer of the BCA archives to UCLA

Story behind the transfer of the BCA Archives to UCLA in 2018. Recorded during a visit by the BCA Archive committee to UCLA during February 2019.

Updates from BCA Archives and Historic Preservation Committee

April 6, 2019

Hello All,Thank you to those of you who have informed sangha members in your district/temple of our invitation to add new members to our Archives and Historic Preservation Committee.  We have drafted a list of our current goals/projects:

  • Network with other temples and individuals in districts throughout BCA.
  • Encourage individual temples to establish/expand their own archival collections.
  • Assist temples in contacting UCLA if they are unable to maintain their artifacts and are considering donating to the BCA Collection at UCLA.
  • Revise committee charter to reflect relationship with UCLA.
  • Collaborate with UCLA to develop usage of materials within BCA Collection.

We sincerely appreciate your assistance in sharing this information and directing interested persons to contact us.In gassho,Sandy Saeki, co-chairperson with Eiko MasuyamaE: saeki@ca.rr.comC: 310-612-6219H: 310-641-7307

March 17, 2019

Hello BCA Friends,Thank you for your interest by attending our archives workshop and/or visiting the information table at National Council and Ministers’ Meetings in Phoenix.We hope we were able to give you some ideas to take back to your temples to develop or expand your unique collections, or to consider donating to the BCA Collection at UCLA. Preservation of what was passed on to us and what we are experiencing are so important to leave to future generations.Please note the following:






  1. We would like to expand the Archives and Historic Preservation committee to include BCA members from all districts.  If you know of individuals interested in joining our committee, please send us their contact information.  Appointment to the committee is at discretion of BCA President.  Limited face-to-face committee meetings will be supplemented by teleconferences and communications via email to reduce travel expenses and time.
  2. Please visit our website for links to archival reference materials: https://vhbt.org/archival-resources/
  3. The video shown at National Council Meeting will be posted at the above website as soon as UCLA completes an improved closed caption version. We will also post periodic updates regarding the status of the collection at UCLA and other pertinent information regarding archiving at your temples or donating artifacts to UCLA.
  4. UCLA has requested that we temporarily hold off on submitting new donations until they have completed processing of the materials already transferred. In the interim, if you have materials that you are considering donating to UCLA, please make a list of items and send/email to us.
  5. Contact us by email for inquiries at: archives@nishihongwanji-la.org Alternately, we can be contacted by USPS (mail): Los Angeles Betsuin c/o Eiko Masuyama 815 E. First Street Los Angeles, CA 90012. Phone (213) 680-9130

In Gassho,
Sandy Saeki and Eiko Masuyama,
Co-Chairs BCA Archives & Historic Preservation Committee
E: saeki@ca.rr.com
H: 310-641-7307
C: 310-612-6219

(This information was from the Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple website.  Ref. November 2019 – Click Here for link: www.VHBT.org

UCLA, BCA Collection, Archives, Histories, Buddhist Churches of America, Japanese Americans