buddhistchurchofoakland Join us for our Nirvana Day Dharma Family Service Happy Lunar New Year! Although Nishi Hongwanji goe Sunday January 16 is Ho-on ko! This special servic Happy New Year! Wishing you a healthy and happy 20 We held a small in-person outdoor service for New Thank you to all who supported the toy drive as we December 8 is Bodhi Day, the commemoration of Shak During this time of gratitude, we would like to ex This Sunday, November 21, please join us for our E Services will continue through November. Remember Happy Halloween! 🎃💀👻Service premiers on Y It’s raining in Oakland but we still have servic Once a month, we hold a “Shotsuki” service - t Happy Fall everyone! Services will continue on You Although we had our Fall Ohigan service last Satur This Sunday at 10 am PDT, join us for our Fall Ohi Load More... Follow on Instagram