2024-25 Registration Now Available…(see below)
Game Schedule 2024-25 (TBA)
Attention Youth Club Families….
Youth Club Service Dates For 2024
Saturday August 3rd – Church Obon Festival
Sunday December 15th – Church Mochizuki
– Please mark your calendars.
The BCO Youth Club is an extension of, and grateful for the support of, the Buddhist Church of Oakland. The club is a church-sponsored activity group for school aged children and their families. Youth Club currently organizes children from our Sangha on basketball teams that are part of the East Bay Youth Athletic League. Youth Club promotes sportsmanship, teamwork, and giving back to the community through BCO sponsored events. The basketball season typically runs from October through March. Teams are formed the summer before the season starts. Both boys and girls are welcome to join. Youth Club membership requires a registration fee, along with a volunteer commitment each season. Every player and a parent is responsible for participating in two church volunteer events. Current volunteer opportunities include:
- Mochitsuki – Sunday in December
- Food festival & bazaar – Father’s Day weekend
- Obon festival – first Saturday in August
Membership Agreement for Buddhist Church of Oakland Youth Club (BCOYC)
Waiver Agreement for East Bay Youth Athletic League (EBYAL) – Boys B, C, D & E (boys & girls) Players
Emergency Medical Attention Authorization
REGISTRATION FORM: 2024 – 2025 Season (Click Here)
Email for more information (Click Here)
- Membership
The undersigned parent(s) and player understand that as a condition of participating on a BCOYC basketball team, the Board of Directors of the Buddhist Church of Oakland (BCO) and league rules require that the participant be a member of the sponsoring organization. Upon acceptance as a member of the BCOYC, the undersigned parent(s) and player shall be entitled to participate in BCOYC activities as long as the undersigned parent(s) and player continue to fulfill their obligations to BCOYC.
- Player Participation Fee
In order to help defray the cost of sponsoring the various basketball teams, each player shall pay a Player Participation Fee.
Fees are TBD and will be invoiced / payable at a later date by PayPal invoice.
Uniforms and optional tournament fees (TBD, depending on player interest) are not included in the Player Participation Fee and will be collected at a later date.
- Volunteer Obligations & Responsibilities
No player shall be allowed to participate in a Buddhist Church of Oakland Youth Club (BCOYC) activity who has not read, completed and accepted the Buddhist Church of Oakland Youth Club Membership Agreement, Emergency Medical Attention Form and the applicable League Application.
To maintain player eligibility in the BCOYC basketball program, each family must participate in a minimum of TWO of the three major fundraising and service events during the twelve month period beginning each September 1st. Please note the three major service commitment dates:
– Mochitsuki (December – Second Sunday)
– Bazaar (Father’s Day weekend – Saturday)
– Obon (near first weekend of August – Saturday)
One parent or guardian and the player must work community service hours. If there are siblings that play for BCOYC, then community service must be worked for each player. For example, if there are two players in one family, the the community service commitment is for two parents or guardians and two players.
In addition to the fundraising and service events mentioned above, one adult member of each player family is asked to serve as a contributing member of the BCO Youth Club organizing committee or to hold a service position at the team level.
- Code of Ethics
The undersigned parent(s) acknowledge that their son/daughter has read the Code of Ethics as described below and that they agree to conduct themselves in accordance therewith at all times while participating in BCOYC activities. The undersigned parent acknowledges that they have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them and to make every effort to see that their child complies.
– Everyone must respect the rights and property of other participants and residents.
– All participants are strictly prohibited from drinking any alcoholic beverage or using illegal drugs of any kind at any time during BCOYC activity. Any violation of this provision shall be grounds for expulsion.
– All participants must be within the confines of the BCOYC activity at the specified and agreed upon times.
– All participants will be responsible for keeping their respective coaches or designated leaders informed as to their whereabouts at all times during a BCOYC activity.
– All participants will be responsible for their behavior and actions to their own and opposing team members, coaches, parents, and designated leaders, as well as league and game officials.
Any violation of the above provisions will be investigated and individuals may be requested to leave the site of the activities with forfeiture of their Player Participations and other fees. Also, violations of the above provisions may be subject to further review by the BCOYC and additional penalties may be imposed.
- Indemnifications, Hold Harmless, Release of Liability
As a condition of membership in the BCOYC and participation in BCOYC activities, the undersigned parent(s) and player hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold BCO, BCOYC and their board members, officers, coaches, managers and agents harmless from any and all liability, claims, actions, losses, damages, injuries and judgments which may arise from the member’s participation in any BCO or BCOYC activities.
- Terms
Upon acceptance as a member of the BCOYC, this application shall become the agreement that shall govern the member-organization relationship for a period of one year from the date of this application. Either party may, however, terminate the agreement at will.
- East Bay Youth Athletic League Waiver Agreement
It is understood by the undersigned applicant and their parents or guardians that the EAST BAY YOUTH ATHLETIC LEAGUE (EBYAL) and its Board Members, the sponsoring church or organization, its officials and members or participating facilities shall not be liable for any injury sustained by the applicant while playing, practicing, traveling or participating in any activity sponsored by the EAST BAY YOUTH ATHLETIC LEAGUE or its member organizations. The signing of this application shall be considered as a waiver of any claim for such injury.
ALTERNATE CHOICE – In event your sponsoring organization (BCOYC) cannot field a team, your child may be offered an opportunity to play on the team of your alternate choice. If the alternate choice is left blank, the decision of where your child may play will be left up to the EBYAL Board. Any change regarding your alternate choice should be given to the EBYAL Board in writing prior to the season you wish to make the change.
COACH & DIVISION – For returning players, please specify if you have a preference for the coach and division (E Bronze, E Silver, E Gold, D Silver, D Gold, C Silver, C Gold, B Silver or B Gold). For new players, please specify if you have a preference for a particular coach only. Preferences will be accommodated to the extend that they do not conflict with the need to comply with league rules and the need to create well matched teams in their respective divisions.
Updated: July 17, 2023
REGISTRATION FORM: 2024 – 2025 Season (Click Here)
for more information
Flyer PDF

January 2019 – BCO Youth Club Service – Guest Speaker Britinee Yasukochi, Assistant Coach, Cal State East Bay Women’s Basketball
BCO Rams
2023-24 – Email Link
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