NEW YEAR’S DAY SERVICE (Shusho-E)……….. January 1
We begin the new year with a service at the temple resolving to listen more intently in the Buddha’s teaching throughout the year.
We gather to express our appreciation to Shinran for showing us the teaching of nembutsu.
NIRVANA DAY (Nehan-E)…………………….. February
On this day we observe the death of the Buddha.
Higan, meaning the other shore or enlightenment, is a service conducted on or about the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. At these times of the year when the weather is ideal, we endeavor to strengthen our commitment in the Buddhist life.
BUDDDHA’S BIRTHDAY (Hanamatsuri)…………… April 8
This service is a celebration of the Buddha’s birth. We gather at the temple with flowers and pour sweet tea over the image of the infant Buddha.
SHINRAN’S BIRTHDAY (Gotan-E or Fujimatsuri). May
On this day we commemorate the birthday of Shinran, founder of the Jodo Shinshu sect.
VESAK – (link)
Vesak is the most important holy day of the Buddhist calendar, commemorating the day of the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and passing away. While the name and date vary somewhat in Buddhist countries according to national customs, it is generally observed on the full moon day in May. In 1999, Vesak received official recognition from the United Nations as a major world religious holiday. (ref. Dharma College)
While reflecting on our interdependence to our ancestors, we rejoice in our opportunity to hear the Buddha’s teaching.
Hatsubon……………….. August
Family memorial for people who have passed away since the last Obon.
Again, we rededicate ourselves to living as Buddhists.
PERPETUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE (Eitaikyo)… November (Link)
At this service, we remember all the departed members of the temple. In particular, we honor those who are named in the Eitaikyo Register. (Donors to a special Eitaikyo Fund have the names entered in the Eitaikyo Register.) (More Info)
BODHI DAY (Jodo-E)…………………………… December
This service is in commemoration of the enlightenment of Gautama Buddha.
NEW YEAR’S EVE SERVICE (Joya-E)………. December 31
On New Year’s Eve, we gather to express our gratitude in our Dharma friends for the kindnesses received throughout the year.