Shotsuki Hoyo Monthly Service

On the first or near the first Sunday of every month, we observe a monthly service at BCO in memory of those people whose date of death falls in that month. No special service arrangements need to be made by relatives and friends. Please see the Busshin newsletter for the Shotsuki memorial list.  Please contact the church or check the church calendar to confirm date and time of Shotsuki Hoyo service.


This special family service is held for people who have passed away since the last Obon. Hatsubon service is held before the regular service on Sunday following Obon. BCO Hatsubon and Obon services take place in late July or early August. Please contact BCO or refer to the Busshin Newsletter for the date and time.

Family Memorial Services

  • First Seventh Day (Shonanuka)

    • Usually observed at the temple immediately after the burial or cremation service.
  • Fourty-ninth 49th Day (Shijukunichi)

    • Observe on or before the 49th day.
  • One-hundredth 100th Day (Hyakkanichi)

    • Observe on or before the 100th day.
  • One Year 1st

    • Observed on or before one year after the death of a person. According to the traditional Japanese way of counting. the yearly cycles begin with the date of death as one. One year later would then be yearly cycle two; two years later would be yearly cycle three, etc. The Isshuki does not refer to the year, but the first round or circuit from the year of death.
  • Third Year 3rd (Sankaiki)

    • The third year Hoji is observed two years after death of a person
  • Seventh Year 7th (Shichikaiki)

    • Observed in the 6th year in the American counting system.
  • Thirteenth Year 13th (Jusankaiki)

    • Observed in the 12th year in the American counting system.
  • Seventeenth Year 17th (Jushichikaiki)

  • Twenty-fifth Year 25th (Nijugokaiki)

  • Thirty-third Year 30th (Sanjusankaiki)

  • Fiftieth Year 50th (Gojikkaiki)

  • and thereafter every fifty years.

Please contact the church to arrange a family memorial service.  Contact Us

Makuragyo & Funeral
