
2020 – BCA Archives

12/3/2020 – BCA Connect Newsletter – December 2020

BCA Connect – December 2020

Greetings from BCA Connect, featuring the latest news from the Buddhist Churches of America.
Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Watch videos and live-streams of dharma talks and services throughout the United States.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view the most recent Bishop’s Message and other dharma content from throughout BCA.
  • Like BCA’s Facebook page and Follow BCA President Dr. Kent Matsuda on Twitter.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message:
The Dodgers and the Butterfly
Rev. Marvin Harada reflects on the innocent excitement shown by the Dodgers after they won the World Series, and rediscovering the simple things that bring us joy.
Visit the BCA website to read the full Bishop’s Message and watch other YouTube messages from Rev. Marvin Harada.

Wheel of Dharma

Life as a Paramedic During the Pandemic
Rev. Kaitlyn Mascher-Mace is a Minister’s Assistant at the Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple who hopes to become a Kaikyoshi minister someday. But she’s much more than just a devout follower and practitioner of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. She takes on life and living head-on — with her own characteristic high energy level, commitment, thoroughness and passion.
How Giving Brings Us Freedom and Happiness
Rev. Ryuta Furumoto asks us to use Oseibo and Kisha as an opportunity to serve and give, especially during the holiday season.
The Five Calamities of 2020
BCA President Dr. Kent Matsuda discusses the variety of challenges we faced during this past year and how the BCA has handled them.
Meet Alex Tsukahara, BCA’s New Digital Content Assistant
Alex Tsukahara, who grew up attending Mountain View Buddhist Temple and is a recent graduate of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, has joined the BCA staff as the new Digital Content Assistant. He will help expand the BCA’s digital presence to share the teachings of the Buddha with others.
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue and access the digital archives:

Center for Buddhist Education

Shin Buddhism and Science Fiction
Saturday January 9, 2021
11:00am to 1pm
Venture into dharma explorations inspired by science fiction films.
Rev. Harry Bridge
Buddhist Church of Oakland
Rev. Jon Turner
Orange County Buddhist Church
Rev. Landon Yamaoka
Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
Jodo Shinshu Artists & Musicians Showcase
Sun Jan 10, 2021 at 1pm
BCA is hosting its first Virtual Youth Concert!
BCA JAMS is a great way for young people to share their talents and perform in a fun show for the whole family. It will also be a fundraiser for BCA Youth Programs.

Relevant American Buddhists (RAB)

Saturday January 30, 2021
5:00pm to 6:30pm
Who and what were the RAB?
Stories from BCA’s 1970s program for young adults.
Rev. Dr. Ken Tanaka
Musashino University

Discovering Buddhism in Everyday Life

Saturday February 6, 2021

10:00am to 11:30am

Listen to the stories behind the collection of heartwarming essays.
Rev. Marvin Harada
Bishop of the BCA
Honen as Religious Revolutionary
Saturday February 13, 2021
11:00am to 1:00pm
Learn more about Honen, the person who defined the Buddhism we identify as Japanese today
Dr. Mark Blum
University of California Berkeley
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Virtual Zoom Events
New Year Week of Celebration
December 20, 2020 – January 1, 2021
New York Buddhist Church
Come join the New York Buddhist church in a 12 day celebration of the new year. Artists, educators, and religious leaders share their knowledge and talents through a variety of demonstrations, workshops, readings and performances.
Online Hoonko:
Shinran Shonin Memorial Service Schedule
January 10-17, 2021
Join the West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple for a week of online Hoonko services, with dharma messages offered in English and Japanese.
Ho-On 報恩 means “acknowledging the benevolence” and Ko 講 means “gathering.” Hoonko services commemorate the anniversary of Jodo Shinshu founder Shinran Shonin’s entering into Nirvana on January 16, 1263.
Visit the WLA Website for flyer with full schedule or email WLA for more information.
Young Buddhist Editorial
Rev. Ko-e A. Umezu discusses the challenges of 2020 and how the teachings can help us cope with the stress. Read the full article

12/2/2020 – Meet a Teacher: Rev. Marvin Harada

12/1/2020 – 2021 CBE Virtual Programs

Save These Dates !  – January – April


11/3/2020 – BCA Connect Newsletter – November 2020

BCA Connect – November 2020

Greetings from BCA Connect, featuring the latest news from the Buddhist Churches of America.
Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view the most recent Bishop’s Message and other dharma content from throughout BCA.
  • Like BCA’s Facebook page and Follow BCA President Dr. Kent Matsuda on Twitter.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message: Arigatai
Arigatai literally means “hard to exist,” or “hard to be,” as in “rare” or “wondrous.” Buddhism is pointing to the rare and wondrous in our lives that we do not see, or take for granted. To encounter Buddhism is just as arigatai as being born into this world.
Visit the BCA website to read the full Bishop’s Message and watch other YouTube messages from Rev. Marvin Harada.
Wheel of Dharma
SD YBL Holds Virtual Conference
Nearly 150 participants gathered for the 70th Annual Southern District Jr. Young Buddhist League Conference held Sept. 6 on Zoom. Rev. Marvin Harada reflects on the optimism, enthusiasm, dedication, and spirit he observed among the young people at the conference.
We Need To Wake Up and Do the Right Thing
Rev. Matt Hamasaki asks us to dedicate ourselves to building a more compassionate world: “We need a change. And not only in how we treat our planet, our home, but in just about every aspect of our lives. For too long as a society we have been driven by selfishness, ignorance, and hate, and it has eroded us to where we are now.”
What We Don’t Talk About
Taylor Kawate is concerned about the absence of dialogue on shinjin (entrusting heart), known as the essence of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. Although discussing shinjin can be challenging, Taylor urges our ministers to help Shin Buddhist followers understand “the why” at the heart of our tradition.
Special Fall Ohigan Service Held at Manzanar
Central California District Ministers live-streamed this special service from Manzanar National Historic Site to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the release of incarcerated Japanese Americans from the camps.
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue and access the digital archives:
Center for Buddhist Education
Jodo Shinshu Artists & Musicians Showcase
Sun Jan 10, 2021
1pm Pacific
BCA is hosting its first Virtual Youth Concert!
BCA JAMS is a great way for young people to share their talents and perform in a fun show for the whole family. It will also be a fundraiser for BCA Youth Programs.
Audition videos accepted through November 15th.
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Virtual Zoom Events
Living in the Nembutsu
Sat Nov 14, 2020
10:30am-12pm PT
Rev. Marvin Harada
BCA Bishop
What does it mean to preserve the legacy and Buddhist heritage of our founders?
Rev. Harada will discuss the Primal Vow of Amida Buddha.
Presented by West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple in honor of their 70th Anniversary
Registration: Free
Dharma School Distance Learning Workshop #3
Sat Nov 21, 2020
1pm-2:30pm PT
Check-in and share progress from the past workshops.
Leave with some new ideas and helpful tips from fellow Dharma School teachers.
Buddhist Community Gathering
Sat Nov 21, 2020
3pm-5pm PT
Rev. Patricia Usuki
Dr. Larry Ward
Brother Phap Hai
How do Buddhists cope in times of turmoil and cultivate change through compassionate action?
Presented by Vista Buddhist Temple
Registration: Free
Young Buddhist Editorial
Charlene Tonai Din writes about Awareness and Activism Through Art and shares some of her digital drawings here.
YBE is a space for young Buddhists to express themselves and build solidarity with other young persons, advocates, and allies across the country. To learn more about YBE, visit their website and Facebook page.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that now, more than ever, we must focus on technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities, connect members to innovative virtual programming, and highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Please consider a recurring donation to the Dana Program so we may expand these initiatives in the future.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Black Lives Matter and Shin Buddhist Ethics
Master of Divinity student Rev. Landon Yamaokareflects on the Buddha’s “Wisdom of Non-Discrimination” and Black Lives Matter on the IBS blog here.
For additional context on the history of Jodo Shinshu ethics as it relates to political movements, read Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji’s article here.
Several Buddhist scholars have been promoting their work on Twitter and elsewhere with the hashtag #BuddhistStudiesTalks. If you’re active on social media, use this hashtag to find public talks and webinars that may be of interest to you.

10/6/2020 – BCA Connect Newsletter – October 2020

BCA Connect – October 2020

Greetings from BCA Connect, featuring the latest news from the Buddhist Churches of America.
Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view the most recent Bishop’s Message and other dharma content from throughout BCA.
  • Like BCA’s Facebook page and Follow BCA President Dr. Kent Matsuda on Twitter.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
It’s BCA Connect’s first year anniversary! Thank you for reading and supporting our e-newsletter.
Wheel of Dharma
When COVID-19 Hits Home: A Virtual Obon Tribute
The Ikemoto family poses at the 2019 Gardena Buddhist Church Obon. Shown, from left, are sisters Kelsey, Katie and Kristi, mother Teiko and father Klete Ikemoto, who passed away April 2 of COVID-19. In memory of her father, Katie led the video efforts for OCBC’s Obon at Home event in July.
Two Rivers and Two Pandemics
Rosalyn Dong relates Shandao’s well-known parable of the white path to our current state of uncertainty and unrest. On one side of the path is the river of COVID-19, while on the other side is a much deeper river of systemic racism. In the middle is the white path of our journey toward awakening.
Reflections on the Middle Way
Rev. Harry Bridge considers the Japanese terms “shoganai” and “ganbaru,” which form the respective expressions “It can’t be helped” and “Keep trying!” The Buddhist approach to life lies in the Middle Way between these two terms, guided by the Nembutsu.
Of Halloween, Masks, and Nembutsu Teachings
Rev. Candice Shibata recalls being scared in her youth by a cousin’s Halloween mask. As humans, we also wear masks that hide our own insecurities, but the Buddha and Shinran Shonin give us strength to remove them so we may see ourselves clearly.
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue and access the digital archives:
Center for Buddhist Education
Virtual Zoom Seminars
Good Trouble!
Sat Oct 10, 2020
Richard Stambul
Past BCA President
Tens of thousands marched throughout America, and around the world, following the horrific death of George Floyd. What led to this seemingly sudden outpouring of solidarity? How do we deal with the burden of injustice, and of racial inequality?
Presented by CBE and TechnoBuddha
Registration: Free
Dharma in Your Life
Sat Oct 24, 2020
Rev. Marvin Harada
Buddhist Churches of America
Rev. Maribeth ‘Smitty’ Smith
Buddhist Temple of San Diego
Rev. Jon Turner
Orange County Buddhist Church
Registration: Free
Shin Buddhism & The Supernatural
Sat Oct 31, 2020
Rev. Jerry Hirano
Salt Lake Buddhist Temple
Do Shin Buddhists believe in the supernatural? Ghosts? Spirits?
How do we discuss this topic if we don’t believe in the ‘soul’?
Are there Shin Buddhist ghost stories? Do you have one of your own?
Join us if you dare… Come in costume (optional)!
Registration: Free
For All CBE Seminars:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Jodo Shinshu Artists & Musicians Showcase
Sun Jan 10, 2021
1pm Pacific
BCA is hosting its first Virtual Youth Concert!
BCA JAMS is a great way for young people to share their talents and perform in a fun show for the whole family. It will also be a fundraiser for BCA Youth Programs.
Audition videos accepted through November 1st.
Young Buddhist Editorial
Let’s Talk About:
What’s in a Vote
Sat October 17
A workshop on the history of voting, disenfranchisement, and dissecting what’s on the ballot in California, Washington, and Utah. Learn more and sign-up here.
YBE is a space for young Buddhists to express themselves and build solidarity with other young persons, advocates, and allies across the country. To learn more about YBE, visit their website and Facebook page.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that now, more than ever, we must focus on technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities, connect members to innovative virtual programming, and highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Please consider a recurring donation to the Dana Program so we may expand these initiatives in the future.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Duncan Williams on the Pendulum of American History
IBS Dean Scott Mitchell recently spoke with Prof. Duncan Williams about his scholarship, activism, and reflections on the long arc of history.
When one takes the long view, we can see how the pendulum swings from challenging periods of great suffering and unrest to periods of hope and peace. But, Williams says, this movement doesn’t come naturally. Change is done actively, by people, and these efforts are interlinked.
Read their full discussion on the IBS blog here.
2020 Numata Lectures begin this Friday
Buddhism and Public Schooling in Japan
Prof. Jolyon Baraka Thomas, University of Pennsylvania
Friday October 9, 1-3pm PST
Sculpture, Time, and Materiality in a Buddhist Cave Shrine
Prof. Michelle Wang, Georgetown University
Friday October 23, 1pm PST
Several Buddhist scholars have been promoting their work on Twitter and elsewhere with the hashtag #BuddhistStudiesTalks. If you’re active on social media, use this hashtag to find public talks and webinars that may be of interest to you.
Digital Dharma Continues to Grow
Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos by clicking here.
BCA YouTube Channel
Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can now be found on the BCA YouTubechannel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added weekly!
Reading Jodo Wasan with Rev. Yuki Sugahara
After cycling through the letters of Rennyo as read daily at Nishi Hongwanji, Rev. Sugahara has now moved on to the Jodo Wasan, the Pure Land poems composed by Shinran Shonin. Shinran wrote three major collections comprising several hundred poems, so this is a huge project! Find it on Oregon Buddhist Temple’s YouTube here.
Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities
Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.
Please send any digital dharma resource links to
Everyday Buddhist is an online community that offers over one hundred hours of Shin Buddhist education and Dharma content, available 24/7 as a supplement for BCA members and new seekers across the country.
In response to COVID-19, you’ll find:
  • More free content for everyone
  • Frequent blog posts
  • Livestream “How To” courses and Q&A offerings
BCA Online Bookstore
To protect the health and safety of our employees, BCA Bookstore operations have been temporarily suspended until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
Available Downloads
Jewels: An Introduction to American Buddhism for Youth, Scouts and the Young at Heart
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Tanaka’s new book is dedicated to Buddhist youth and young adults, on whose shoulders the future of American Buddhism rests. Available as a free digital download courtesy of BDK America.
The Shin Buddhist Service Book is available as a PDF on Google Drive. Please note when downloading that it is a very large file.
Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.
Buddhist Churches of America | 1710 Octavia Street, San Francisco, CA 94109


9/15/2020 – We’ll Be Back – A Buddhist Hamilton Parody

9/1/2020 – Shin Buddhism: A Path of Gratitude

Shifting your outlook from “please” to “thank you”
By Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi – FALL 2020 : ARTICLE LINK

8/13/2020 – BCA Connect Newsletter

BCA Connect – August 2020

Greetings from BCA Connect, featuring the latest news from the Buddhist Churches of America.
New digital resources to stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Watch videos and live-streamsof the dharma being shared at temples and churches throughout the United States. Check temple websites for live-streaming schedules.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view the most recent Bishop’s Message and other dharma content from throughout BCA.
  • Like BCA’s Facebook page and Follow BCA President Dr. Kent Matsuda on Twitter.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at Thank you!
Bishop’s Message: Reflections on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings
750 years ago, Shinran Shonin aspired for a world of peace and harmony. 75 years ago, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those survivors aspired for a world of peace and harmony. Rev. Harada shares a survivor’s personal reflections on seeing hell – and the Pure Land – in this life.
Visit the BCA website to read the full Bishop’s Message and watch other YouTube messages from Rev. Marvin Harada.
Wheel of Dharma
As Buddhists, We Can Never Be Indifferent
Fresno Rimban Rev. Kakei Nakagawa recently attended a Black Lives Matter vigil, observing: “We will notice that racial discrimination is the biggest shackle for preventing the ideal of America.” The Buddha’s wish for the world runs parallel to America’s ideals, but can only be achieved if we speak out for human rights when they are threatened. (Photo: Paula Kanagawa)
Institute of Buddhist Studies’ Accreditation Milestone
On Feb. 26, the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) granted the Institute of Buddhist Studies initial accreditation.
This milestone represents the culmination of years of sustained effort and recognition of the high quality educational programs IBS has been offering for over half a century. Accreditation signifies that IBS offers an educational experience of similar caliber to some of the best universities in the country.
Scott Mitchell, IBS Dean of Students and Faculty Affairs, reflects on what accreditation means, why it is important, and how it will affect the Institute moving forward.
Communication & Connection: College YBA, Sr. YBA Virtual Conference
KC Mukai recaps a recent virtual conference held jointly by two young adult organizations that attracted more than 50 attendees. The conference inspired participants to think about the ways they form relationships using Buddhism, and how communication can express appreciation and strengthen these relationships within our communities.
How Jodo Shinshu Can Bring About Change
Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara considers discrimination in the context of the Four Noble Truths and Shinran Shonin’s deep examination of our potential for self-awareness In the Light of Amida Buddha. Recognizing the Dharma’s ability to nurture us all just as we are, we are naturally inclined to put more value on equality and inclusiveness.
Obon Lanterns Bring Back Memories of Loved Ones
As we commemorate Obon, Rev. Kazuaki Nakata shares the history of the Obon lantern. From the earliest references to lanterns in Buddhist texts to their adoption by Jodo Shinshu followers in Hiroshima, today the Obon lantern is an opportunity to appreciate the memory of departed loved ones.
Annual BCA Donor Appreciation Issue
Your offerings have a major impact on BCA as we work together to bring the Buddha-Dharma to everyone. Especially during these challenging times, we recognize that your generosity goes above and beyond the many ways you also support your local temples.
See the special section in the center of this month’s Wheel of Dharma for our list of amazing supporters, a thank you from Bishop Rev. Marvin Harada, articles about our giving programs, and an introduction by the Foundation’s new Director of Development, Michiko Inanaga.
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue and access the digital archives:
BCA Virtual Obon Dance
Obon in Your Living Room
Sat Aug 15, 2020
6pm Pacific Time
Obon Instructors from BCA temples will be sharing their dances.
Sangha members will zoom in from all over the country.
Registration required to receive Zoom link.
Contact or 510-809-1460 with questions.
BCA Virtual Obon Service
Sun Aug 16, 10am on YouTube
Center for Buddhist Education
Virtual Zoom Seminars
Higashi Hongwanji and Nishi Hongwanji:
History & Thought
Rev. Ken Yamada
Shinshu Center of America
Sat Aug 22, 2020
Registration: Free
Women in Buddhism:
A Webinar Gathering
October 3 & 4, 2020
Tools for Spiritual Wellness
  • Radical Humility: Jodo Shinshu Path to Joy
  • Dharma for Undoing Internalized Stereotypes
  • Meditation & Yoga for Healing Trauma
  • Brain Health & Everyday Well-Being
  • Art as Healing
Registration: Free
For All CBE Seminars:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
FDSTL Virtual Workshop
Distance Teaching and Learning Workshop
Sat Aug 15, 2020
For Dharma School teachers
Learn about digital teaching resources, including Kahoot, Poll Everywhere, and Zoom.
Contact Carl Yanari at with questions.
Young Buddhist Editorial
A new digital space for young Buddhists to express themselves and build solidarity with other young persons, advocates, and allies across the country. To learn more about YBE, visit their website and like their Facebook page.
YBE will host “Walking the Path of Anti-Racism,” its final session in a series of workshops on the Black Lives Matter movement, on August 15 at 10am. Open to all ages; prior workshop attendance not required.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
BCA Connect is made possible by the ongoing support of our members and friends. Increasing our digital presence is a vital opportunity to share the dharma with everyone and guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities.
Please consider a recurring donation to the Dana Program so we may expand these initiatives in the future.
Make an online offering today at
Click flyer for more information
$5,000 Loan Program for Temples Available
Many temples have experienced a downturn in donations and may be in need of assistance to maintain temple facilities and/or programs. The BCA Social Welfare Committee has established a temporary loan program to assist temples that are experiencing financial difficulties. A simple one-page application and further details are available here.
Digital Dharma Continues to Grow


7/10/2020 – CBE Center for Buddhist Education Online Events

July 18: CBE Seminar Online:  Who/What is Amida? – Rev. Kodo Umezu, BCA Bishop Emeritus (Eng/Jpns
July 25: CBE Seminar Online: Traditions and Innovations in American Obon Dance – Dr. Wynn Kiyama (Portland Taiko)
August 1:  Looking to the Future of American Buddhism – Dr. Scott Mitchell (IBS)
August 8: Looking to the Future of American Buddhism – Dr. Funie Hsu ( SJSU)
August 22: Higashi Honganji and Nishi Hongwanji: History and Thought – Rev. Ken Yamada (Shinshu Center of America)

7/1/2020 – BCA Virtual Obon Dance – August 15th, 2020


Registration Required

6/29/2020 – August Online Seminars @ Center for Buddhist Education (CBE)


Look to the Future of American Buddhism.

Saturday August 1st, 2020 and Saturday August 8th, 2020

More Information. Click Here

6/29/2020 – BCA Minister’s Association Statement in Support of Black Lives Matter and in Opposition to Racism

BCA Minister’s Association Statement in Support of Black Lives Matter and in Opposition to Racism

6/29/2020 – Berkeley Buddhist Temples Virtual Obon Event

Our virtual obon will have obon dancing led by Hanayagi Sensei and stories shared by our Sangha members. The event will be on Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

We will be dancing:

Obon no Uta (bring your uchiwa aka Japanese flat fan!)
Hanabi Ondo
Shiawase Samba
Tanko Bushi

We will be sharing youtube practice videos so you can prep beforehand. Be sure to check our Facebook and temple websites for resources closer to July 11th.

Feel free to share this RSVP link widely:

If you have any questions, contact us at

6/8/2020 – June Online Seminars @ Center for Buddhist Education (CBE)

BCA Center for Buddhist Education is presenting two (2) online seminars on Saturday June 17th and 27th. Seminars are Free, registration is required.  FLYER

5/9/2020 – Bishop’s Messages

BCA YouTube Video Site

5/1/2020 – Register for Online Seminars from CBE

BCA members and the public are invited to join us for a new series of online programs. All are welcome!
Online registration is required to receive the Zoom seminar link.

5/1/2020 – View Dharma Services from Other Temples

Watch local services or explore the dharma being shared at temples and churches throughout the United States.  LINK

By visiting a temple’s live-stream video page at the scheduled time, you are able to join service, chant and sing along, and listen to dharma messages from your home. Check temple websites to confirm weekly live stream schedules, as services may not be streamed every Sunday…

4/13/2020 – Message About COVID-19 from the New Bishop, BCA

Message from Rev. Marvin Harada, Bishop Buddhist Church of America

4/4/2020 – BCO Accepting Online Donations

BCO now can accept online donation through PayPal payment services.  You can give using your credit card, debit card or through your personal PayPal account. You can make an “one time” or  an “automatic” recurring donation.  Please give it a try. If you have any questions or issues, please let us know.

Click Here

3/29/2020 – Large Purple Book

The Tacoma Buddhist Temple made a PDF of the BCA Shin Buddhist Service Book (or “Large Purple Book” as we call it) and BCA shared it. Just in case you need it, this link should work:

BCA Shin Buddhist Service Book

3/23/2020 – Amida Buddha Welcomes All Refugees

Article from Buddhadharma, Winter 2019

3/23/2020 – Video ‘Finding Faith: Better Together’: Bay Area Interfaith Community Worship

ABC7News interview featuring Rev. Kobata – Buddhist Church San Francisco.

(note: Rev. Kobata’s interview starts at 38:30 in video)

3/23/2020 – Message from Bishop Umezu
