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2023 BCA Archive Posts

9/13/2023 posted – BCA Connect Newsletter – September 2023


September 2023
Greetings from BCA Connect! Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view dharma content from throughout BCA.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message
Less Me, More We
I recently returned from a week in Japan to receive confirmation from our Gomonshu of our Hongwanji for becoming Bishop. This ceremony was postponed for three years because of the pandemic. But since the Hawaii Kyodan recently elected a new Bishop, Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani, we were both invited to receive our confirmation together.
The ceremony was very meaningful and there were lots of dinners and meetings with various Hongwanji and Ryukoku University dignitaries during our stay. We met with Dr. Takashi Irisawa, the president of Ryukoku University, and were given a tour of some of their facilities.
I was very impressed with some of the signage on campus. I am not sure if it is the theme for the university, but throughout the campus, there were various short phrases, one of which was, “Less me, more we.” I thought this was a beautiful, very Buddhistic phrase. So simple, but so well put. “Less me, more we.”
Read the full message here
Wheel of Dharma
Why Is Buddhism Growing in America?
by Rev. Dr. Kenneth Tanaka
We might understand the rapid growth of American Buddhism by borrowing the concept of supply and demand from economics.
“Demand” refers to those factors that “pulled” or “welcomed” Buddhism. Several stand out: First, Americans value religion to a much greater degree than do people in most other developed countries. Religion tends to be seen as a “good thing,” providing a spiritual and ethical foundation for living. This is especially apparent in the raising of children.
That Other Shore and This Shore
By Rev. Hosho Imada
During the season when Ohigan takes place, each temple plans its Ohigan service.
Ohigan is the day when the sun rises due east and sets due west during the spring and fall equinoxes. Amida Buddha’s Pure Land is said to be a place located in the west, so people envision the Pure Land by watching the sunset in the west during the Ohigan season.
Knowing that there is a world where we can meet our Dharma friends again is the greatest joy for Nembutsu followers. Knowing the destination of our lives can change the way we spend it.
BCA Launches Relief Efforts to Aid Maui
By Jon Kawamoto
The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) and its Social Welfare Committee have launched Maui relief efforts in full support of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (HHMH) in response to the deadly wildfires that decimated the town of Lahaina.
Donations can be made online through:, or by check payable to: BCA Endowment Foundation (Please note on memo line: Maui Relief). Mail checks to: BCA Endowment Foundation, 2140 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704.
The BCA and HHMH are affiliated organizations and are a part of Jodo Shinshu Buddhist organizations based at the Hongwanji-ha in Kyoto, Japan.
BCA Bishop Rev. Harada Officially Confirmed by Gomonshu
by Buddhist Churches of America
Rev. Marvin Harada of the Buddhist Churches of America was officially confirmed as Bishop of the BCA on July 28.
The Shinju Shiki ceremony was conducted by His Eminence Monshu Kojun Ohtani of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. The solemn ceremony was held in the historic Shiro Shoin (White Chambers) of the Hongwanji in Kyoto, Japan.
Rev. Harada joined newly elected Bishop Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii in the ceremony.
Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue in newsprint format and access the digital archives:
Buddhist Events
BCA 3rd Annual Virtual Art Exhibit
Sept 17, 2023
The Buddhist Churches of America is hosting its third annual VIRTUAL ART EXHIBIT which will premier on SEPTEMBER 17, 2023. The exhibit is open to BCA sangha members of ALL ages. We want to create a space to share artwork from the hundreds of talented Sangha members that are a part of our BCA community.
The Virtual Exhibit will be hosted on Please submit a digital image that captures your art creation. Only 1 submission per google form, please complete a separate form if you wish to submit additional art pieces. All submissions will be subject to approval by the BCA ART Committee to be a part of the exhibit. Thank you for sharing your art.
Buddhist Philosophy
Dates listed below
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: Hybrid – Online Zoom meeting; live @
390 Miller Avenue, Mill Valley, California 94941, United States
Upon registering here, you will receive an email with the Zoom invitation link, however, you are welcome to join us in-person on the temple grounds at the time of the event.
Event schedule: 60-minute hybrid sessions; 1pm (local Pacific time) after Sunday Service
  1. Rev. CJ Dunford – understanding the concept of ‘self’ in Buddhism – September 24
  2. Catherine Shaw – Buddhist ethics, practice, identity, and worldviews – October 29
  3. Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara – how Buddhist teachings transform our lives – November 12
  4. All presenters – wrap-up and review session – December 10
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:
  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Dr. Scott Mitchell Launches Book “The Making of American Buddhism”
By Rev. Gesshin Greenwood
On May 24, 2023, Dr. Scott Mitchell, Chenxing Han, and Rev. Harry Bridge met online to discuss the release of his newest book, The Making of American Buddhism in a book launch entitled “Race, Place, and Religious Labor.” Below is a recording of the event and the Q&A that followed.
IBS Events
Learn more about these events on the IBS Website.

9/1/2023 – His Light Shines Infinitely – Nichiren & Shinran  Public Lecture

Saturday, September 23, 2023 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

8/10/2023 – BCA Connect Newsleter
August 2023
Greetings from BCA Connect! Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view dharma content from throughout BCA.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message
Golf and Buddhism
One of my favorite recreations is to play golf.
I am not a good golfer by any means. I am more of a “hacker,” which means I struggle to break a 100 for a score. Still, I really enjoy it and even if I play terribly, usually in a round, there are a few good shots that I might make or a long putt maybe occasionally, which makes the whole round fun despite the score. There is also the camaraderie with the people you golf with, whether they are close friends or often people that you are meeting for the first time.
Read the full message here
Wheel of Dharma
In a First for BCA, AI Generates Dharma Message at MVBT
by Jon Kawamoto
In the heart of Silicon Valley, a recent Dharma talk at the Mountain View Buddhist Temple (MVBT) became the first in the BCA to be generated by artificial intelligence (AI).
ChatGPT, which stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, was the AI chatbot used for the June 1 message. ChatGPT, developed by San Francisco-based OpenAI and launched on Nov. 30, 2022, enables users to refine a conversation to a desired length, format, style, detail, and language.
BCA Vice President John Arima, a Minister’s Assistant at Mountain View, worked with MVBT Resident Minister Rev. Yushi Mukojima on the AI Dharma talk on June 1.
Explaining ‘Bonno,’ or Blind Passions
By Rev. Kory Quon
Light speed ahead! Do you feel that we are doing more things in person and that everything is going even more quickly than it did before? I do! It has been great to see so many of you in person.
I find that there is not enough time to actually catch up with people, especially when trying to say hello to everyone. Do you feel the same way?
I forget that the greatest gift is the intertwining of our life’s journey for even an instant, but I always find myself in the trap of wanting more. Our tradition considers this as a type of “bonno,” or blind passions.
Elyse Fujii of Stockton Is 2023 Nitta Scholarship Recipient
By Darlene Bagshaw
The BCA’s Federation of Dharma School Teachers’ League (FDSTL) has awarded the 2023 Fred and Helen Nitta Scholarship to Ms. Elyse Fujii from the Buddhist Church of Stockton.
Ms. Elyse Fujii has spent her life as a part of the Sangha of the Buddhist Church of Stockton. After learning about the Gardena Buddhist Church’s Ichi-Mi efforts addressing LGBTQ+ issues in the BCA from Rev. Candice Shibata, Elyse became interested in the encompassing compassion and inclusion of the Buddhist teachings.
Rev. Gary Jaskula Describes Closeted Past, Finding Shin Buddhism
by Jon Kawamoto
There’s no questioning Rev. Gary Jaskula’s devotion to Shin Buddhism — judging by the amount of time and expense he literally spends as a Minister’s Assistant every Sunday at the New York Buddhist Church (NYBC).
On Sunday mornings, Rev. Jaskula boards the train from Albany, New York, where he lives, to take the two-and-a-half-hour ride into New York.
“It costs $60 train fare one way. How many of us would spend $120 to go to our local temple every Sunday?” Bishop Rev. Marvin Harada said. “I have to think about it myself. But that’s the kind of dedication we have from members on the East Coast.” (FYI: NYBC has reimbursed Rev. Jaskula for his train fares since former Resident Minister Rev. Earl Ikeda retired in September 2021.)
Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue in newsprint format and access the digital archives:
Buddhist Events
Diversity in Amida’s Vow
August 20, 2023
9:30am – 4:30pm
Sharing stories and conversations with our LGBTQ+ Sangha friends to foster more inclusivity in our temples.
West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple
2003 Corinth Ave, LA, CA 90025
(In-Person Only)
Engaging With the Compassion of Amida Buddha’s Vow – “A Profound Silence” Screening & Workshop
August 26, 2023
9:00am – 2:30pm
An in-person event that will feature a screening of “A Profound Silence”
BCA 3rd Annual Virtual Art Exhibit
Sept 17, 2023
The Buddhist Churches of America is hosting its third annual VIRTUAL ART EXHIBIT which will premier on SEPTEMBER 17, 2023. The exhibit is open to BCA sangha members of ALL ages. We want to create a space to share artwork from the hundreds of talented Sangha members that are a part of our BCA community.
The Virtual Exhibit will be hosted on Please submit a digital image that captures your art creation. Only 1 submission per google form, please complete a separate form if you wish to submit additional art pieces. All submissions will be subject to approval by the BCA ART Committee to be a part of the exhibit. Thank you for sharing your art.
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:
  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Dr. Scott Mitchell Launches Book “The Making of American Buddhism”

7/28/23 – BCA Connect
July 2023
Greetings from BCA Connect! Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view dharma content from throughout BCA.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message
The Past, Present, and Future of the BCA
The other day, I had the privilege of giving a lecture for the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford University. They asked me to speak on the topic of the past, present, and future of the BCA. I very much enjoyed speaking there and we had a wonderful question-and-answer session after my lecture.
I shared some of our early history of our BCA, how it started in 1899 when two ministers from Japan were sent by the Gomonshu at that time, Myonyo Shonin. In our early years, many churches and temples were established in major cities, like Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno, and Seattle.
Read the full message here
Wheel of Dharma
Rev. Maribeth Smith Addresses LGBTQ+ Rejection, Acceptance
by Jon Kawamoto
The second of three segments of the BCA’s National Council Meeting Town Hall on “The Benefits of Following the Shin Buddhist Path” dealt with the benefits of a teaching that embraces all and forsakes none from the perspective of two Minister’s Assistants from the LGBTQ+ community.
For this topic, BCA Bishop Rev. Marvin Harada asked Rev. Maribeth “Smitty” Smith of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego, and Rev. Gary Jaskula of the New York Buddhist Church and the Albany Buddhist Sangha to share their thoughts.
Commemoration, Consideration, and Commitment
By Rev. Candice Shibata
Like many of you, I had the opportunity and privilege to attend the 850th and 800th joint commemorative service to celebrate the birthday of Shinran Shonin and the establishment of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism at Nishi Hongwanji in May.
In addition, we attended the World Buddhist Women’s Convention, toured the Kyushu area of Japan, ventured over to Okinawa, and concluded our tour in Tokyo before returning home. I joined the festivities as a member of the Northern California Buddhist Women’s Association tour group and was so fortunate to travel with a wonderful group of members from Stockton, Cortez, Sacramento, Florin, and their family members.
Grateful for Life’s Path, Guided by the Nembutsu
By Karen Akahoshi
Minasama, konnichiwa. Watashi no namae wa Akahoshi, Nobuko desu. Dozo yoroshiku. Boa tarde. Prazer con ñeserlos. Aloha! Aloha kako. And lastly, hello, everyone. That is the extent of my foreign language skills!
I am Karen Akahoshi and I am truly honored and humbled to represent more than 2,250 Buddhist women of the Buddhist Churches of America.
As I look back over nearly 80 years of my life, I am grateful and humbled by how my life has been guided by the Nembutsu. The path to this realization and gratitude was not straight nor an easy one. But rather, it took many twists and turns and up and down many trails that were unexpected.
What Are the Three Kinds of Jewels?
by Rev. Dr. Kenneth Tanaka
I chose ”Jewels” as the title of the book because in Buddhism jewels are used as a metaphor for something of immense spiritual preciousness.
A person is considered to have become a Buddhist when they accept as the basic foundation of their life the “three jewels,” referring to the Buddha (the fully awakened person), the Dharma (the Buddhist teachings), and the Sangha (the community of fellow Buddhists). (
For Buddhists of all schools, the three jewels are the object of ultimate reliance and respect. This imagery of jewels also can help explain how these divergent schools can live in harmony.
Wes Mukoyama Brings Buddhist Perspective to Life of Activism
by Dennis Akizuki
Wes Mukoyama’s life of activism has ranged from counseling jail inmates as a Buddhist chaplain to serving as the executive director of a senior center, heading the Peace Corps in the Solomon Islands to being a social worker for 40 years.
The 80-year-old Mukoyama brings a Buddhist perspective to his activism, gained from meditation techniques learned from famed teacher Rev. Gyomay Kubose to Jodo Shinshu study class sessions over the past 25 years.
“I do think that a lot of people speak against the social ills of society. That is my modus operandi after I retired and my whole life,’’ Mukoyama said.
When he brings that up with ministers, he said he’s assured that activism is reflected in Shin Buddhist teachings.
Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue in newsprint format and access the digital archives:
Buddhist Events
The Benefits of a Life of Gratitude: Benefits of Shin Buddhism Part 2
July 15, 2023
11:00am – 1:00pm PT
Guest Speakers: Rev. Kenji Akahoshi, Jean-Paul deGuzman, Teresa Shimogawa, & Sydney Shiroyama.
Rev. Akahoshi will give a brief review of part 1 then each of the other speakers will talk on how Shin Buddhism has benefited their lives.
Women Liberating Buddhism
August 5, 2023
9:00am – 3:00pm
Paula Arai (Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies, Harvard University) authored The Little Book of Zen Healing (2023), Painting Enlightenment (2019), Bringing Zen Home (2011), and Women Living Zen (1999). She is the Eshinni & Kakushinni Professor of Women and Buddhist Studies at the Institute of Buddhist Studies.
Engaging With the Compassion of Amida Buddha’s Vow – “A Profound Silence” Screening & Workshop
August 26, 2023
9:00am – 2:30pm
An in-person event that will feature a screening of “A Profound Silence”
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:
  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Make an online offering today at

7 /27/23 – CBE E-News


Join us for a very special in-person session at the Jodo Shinshu Center with Dr. Paula Arai. She will talk about the women who have influenced the Buddhist teachings and their impact on Shin Buddhism.


CBE has partnered with West LA Buddhist Temple to host a very special in-person session about diversity in our Buddhist communities. Come watch the film “A Profound Silence” followed by some great discussion and workshops with our LGBTQ+ sangha friends. Lunch will be served!


Please participate in the 3rd Annual BCA Virtual Art Exhibit. This has become a wonderful annual tradition of sharing the art from our amazing BCA Sangha members. Please click the reg link below to be a part of the exhibit. Applications are due by 8/31/23.


5/24/2023 – Race, Place and Religious Labor – A Book Launch Event.

A conversation between Dr. Scott Mitchell and Chenxing Han to celebrate the launch of “The Making of American Buddhism”… (More Information)

5/4/2023 CBE Updated – Center for Buddhist Education

4/13/2023 – IBS Spring Updates

Spring at IBS
– Upcoming Events

We’re very excited to share that Dr. Paula Arai and two IBS students, Amanda Kairys and Letesa Isler, will be participating in the GTU conference on Women and Religion on Friday, April 28th. More information here.

Join Dr. Scott Mitchell and Chenxing Han for a thought provoking conversation on race, place and religious labor to celebrate the launch of Dr. Mitchell’s book The Making of American Buddhism. This event will take place on May 24 at 1pm PST on zoom. More information here.

Dr. Nancy Lin will be participating in an interfaith conference on the nature of Joy on April 26th. There will be a number of presentations from the GTU community speaking from their different traditions and disciplines on the place of joy in religious thought and practice. More information here.

Dr. Richard Payne will be giving a free lecture, “Buddhist Economics and the Economics of Buddhism” on Tuesday, April 18th at 5pm, at the Humanities and Social Change Center, Robertson Gym 1000A. The lecture will be followed by a conversation with Fabio Rambelli, author of Buddhism Under Capitalism. More information here.

Lastly, Rev. Dr. Matsumoto continues his online seminar on the meaning of Shinjin. The latest lecture will be on Saturday, May 6th from 11am-1pm. Register here.

4/7/2023 – BCO Connect – Newsletter from the Buddhist Churches of America

2/28/2023 – BYR 6: BCA Summer Youth Retreat

June 25 – July 1, 2023 at the Jodo Shinshu Center

Flyer Link

We are hosting the 6th annual BCA Youth Retreat (BYR) from June 25 – July 1, 2023 at the Jodo Shinshu Center.
Please be sure to share this event with your high school age youth groups at your temple.


2023 – April

April 2023
Greetings from BCA Connect! Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view dharma content from throughout BCA.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message
The Benefit of Being Part of a Sangha
This month, I would like to reflect on another benefit of following the path of Shin Buddhism, which is the benefit of being a part of a Sangha.
First of all, let me share something about the meaning of Sangha. I have learned a wonderful teaching from one of Thich Nhat Hanh’s writings, in which he teaches that the Three Treasures — the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha — cannot exist without each other. All three must be present for one of them to exist.
The Buddha needs us, the Sangha, to truly be the Buddha. If there is no one to receive and hear the Buddha’s teachings, the Dharma, then the Buddha is not the Buddha.
Read the full message here
Wheel of Dharma
How to Attract New Members to BCA Temples
by Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi
Almost all of the BCA’s temples have been losing membership over the past several decades. The concern becomes personal, when we see the popularity of Buddhist practices becoming an acceptable part of America’s health and wellness movements.
The reasons for this decline may be multifold. Therefore, the solutions would involve many areas. The BCA Propagation and Membership Committee presented a workshop at the recent BCA National Council Meeting (NCM) on Feb. 25. This article reviews significant points of that workshop.
‘Tenzuru’ — Changing One’s Relationship With World
By Rev. Gerald Sakamoto
First person: “I knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith.”
Second person: “What was the name of his other leg?”
The experience of seeing something different for the first time is not that unusual. Sometimes, it’s funny. Sometimes, it can be life-changing. In either case, our perception is changed and our experience of what we see is changed.
Comedy is the most fun of misaligned perceptions. Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First” is a classic. Lou Costello’s frustration rises as a simple discussion about baseball players becomes complicated as Bud Abbott describes the position and names of players on the team.
Honoring My True Teacher on the Nembutsu Path – My Mother
By Rev. Todd Tsuchiya
My journey coming to the ministry is a second career for me occurring later in life. Aligning with the theme of this meeting of “Nembutsu: Appreciate Every Encounter,” I would like to share my personal encounter with the Nembutsu and why I am here today.
The reason I chose this passage is that in my childhood, I didn’t understand what it meant to hear the name and live with the Nembutsu. I grew up in Minnesota in a Jodo Shinshu family, but we didn’t have a temple or a minister to meet with very often. The opportunity to listen to Dharma messages was infrequent. However, I have come to realize I was surrounded by people who lived with the Dharma in their lives.
Make Every Effort to Visit Our BCA Home — the JSC
by Gordon Ah Tye
On a cold and rainy weekend in February, I had the good fortune of attending the BCA Temple Leaders Workshop at the Jodo Shinshu Center (JSC) in Berkeley, California. As cold and wet as the weather was, the atmosphere at the JSC could not have been warmer.
As our group of three representatives from Fresno arrived, we were warmly welcomed by Center for Buddhist Education (CBE) Project Coordinator Judy Kono, who was dressed in an apron, doing kitchen chores. She provided us with our room keys for the JSC.
Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue in newsprint format and access the digital archives:
Buddhist Events
JR YBA Leaders Workshop
April 29, 2023
This will be an all day event starting at 10am and finishing shortly after dinner. If you are travelling from further away, you may make arrangements to arrive on Friday, 04/28/23. There are a limited number of rooms available at the JSC. More rooming information can be found below on this form.
2023 FDSTL Conference
April 28-29, 2023
Inside Out Buddhism: We will explore several “Buddhist Emotions”,
including joy, anger, and sadness (think Disney Pixar movie Inside Out)..
Attendees will leave with teaching materials for multiple levels and
Shinjin Part 4
May 6, 2023, 11:00 am – 1:00pm PST
Rev Dr. David Matsumoto is the president of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. He will continue his series about the meaning of Shinjin. This is part 4 of his 4 part online series. Parts 1 -3  are on the CBE Youtube Channel if you wish to view them.
Buddhist Holidays
May 13, 2023, 11:00 am PST
Rev. Jerry Hirano will teach more about Buddhist Holidays.
Crossing Over
May 26-27 2023, 11:00 am PST
A former Franciscan friar from the UK, an active Evangelical Minister, and raised as a devout Catholic in the Philippines…
Listen to the stories of how these
ministers discovered Jodo Shinshu.
Yoga, Buddhism, and a Healthy Lifestyle
June 9-11 2023
Yoga does not only involve being flexible and doing poses alone!  Please join us as we explore the relationship of Yoga and Buddhism, participants may be of any age or physical condition.  It will be a long weekend of fun, relaxation, friendships and stimulating discussions along with gourmet vegetarian food, massages and other events.  Sponsored by the Buddhist Churches of America’s Center for Buddhist Education.
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:
  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Nembutsu: Appreciate Every Encounter
By Rev. Gesshin Greenwood
On February 23, 2023, four Jodo Shin ministers gathered to share their insights about the impact of Nembutsu on their lives. Below is the video from the 2023 IBS Symposium Nembutsu: Appreciate Every Encounter.
IBS Events
Learn more about these events on the IBS Website.
IBS Job Opening: Senior Accountant
Responsibilities for this full-time, hybrid/remote position include:
  • Performing month-end close and preparing monthly account reconciliations and journal entries.
  • Reviewing and preparing endowment-related schedules. Reviewing investment statements, investment manager summaries, and preparing monthly reconciliation of endowment schedules.
  • Preparing and processing monthly payroll.
  • Assisting in the preparation of financial reports and analysis including monthly, quarterly, year-end reporting (W-2s and 1099s) and other outside reporting.
Qualifications include B.A. degree in accounting and 7 to 10 years of progressive experience in accounting.
Young Buddhist Editorial
EcoDharma – Earth Day Open Call for Submissions
Deadline Extended!
Now DUE: April 14th
The Social Justice Committee is excited to announce an open call for submissions centered on EcoDharma and the ways that we all practice environmentalism in our daily lives.
With Earth day coming up in April, we’re looking to showcase your creativity in considering environmentalism and sustainability! What does EcoDharma mean to you?
Submissions can come in any form and length – poems, articles, paintings, videos ~ anything you feel called to!
Questions? Email us at
Interested in joining YBE? Fill out our Welcome Form!
The Young Buddhist Editorial is expanding and looking for new people to join. We welcome all types of expertise, interests, and capacities!
Email youngbuddhisteditorial@gmail.comfor more information.
YBE is a space for young Buddhists to express themselves and build solidarity with other young persons, advocates, and allies across the country. To learn more about YBE, visit their website and Facebook page.
Digital Dharma Continues to Grow
Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos by clicking here.
BCA YouTube Channel
Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can be found on the BCA YouTubechannel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added regularly.
Reading Shinran with Rev. Yuki Sugahara
Rev. Sugahara continues to explore the Shin Buddhist teachings of Shinran with Notes on the Inscriptions on Sacred Scrolls. Rev. Sugahara previously read Tannisho and Shinran’s three major poetry collections. View the playlists on Oregon Buddhist Temple’s YouTube.
Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities
Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.
Please send any digital dharma resource links to
BCA Online Bookstore
This year marks the 850th anniversary of Shinran Shonin’s birth and the 800th anniversary of the founding of Jodo Shinshu. Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha will be celebrating these events throughout 2023. Honzan has released a specially designed monto shikisho in honor of these anniversaries. If you are interested in having a commemorative monto shikisho, they are available online now for $50 plus tax and shipping. The bookstore will be closed during May, so please place your orders early. This monto shikisho can be ordered through the BCA
Bookstore link here
Inquiries can be sent to:
The BCA Bookstore has resumed operations. Please visit their newly refreshed website here.
Suggested Reading
American Sutra: A story of faith and freedom in the second world war.
The mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II is not only a tale of injustice; it is a moving story of faith. In this pathbreaking account, Duncan Ryūken Williams reveals how, even as they were stripped of their homes and imprisoned in camps, Japanese American Buddhists launched one of the most inspiring defenses of religious freedom in our nation’s history, insisting that they could be both Buddhist and American.
The Shin Buddhist Service Book is available as a PDF on Google Drive. Please note when downloading that it is a very large file.
Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.

3/10/2023 – BCA Connect – Newsletter from The Buddhist Churches of America

March 2023
Greetings from BCA Connect! Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTube channel to view dharma content from throughout BCA.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Bishop’s Message
The Benefit of Living a Life of Self-Introspection
This month, I would like to continue on the BCA theme for this year, “The benefits of following the Shin Buddhist path,” by focusing on the benefit of a life of self-introspection.
The great Zen Master Dogen wrote, “To study Buddhism is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be awakened to all things.” Dogen is saying that the focus of Buddhism is self-introspection and self-reflection. That is what Buddhism is. You don’t necessarily need books or texts. All you need to study Buddhism is a life of self-introspection.
Read the full message here
Wheel of Dharma
50+ Years in the Dance Circle: Sahomi Tachibana
by Dr. Wynn Kiyama
Sahomi Tachibana enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a professional dancer and teacher in New York City and Portland, Oregon — performing on Broadway and Radio City Music Hall, founding two branches of the Tachibana School of Dance, and teaching Bon Odori for more than 60 years.
Living in a Round Earth
By Rev. Etsuko Mikame
When four of us went to a restaurant, we had to choose between a square table or a round table. Which would you choose?
We chose a square table. I know that a round table looks cute and reminds me of a trendy café, but we cannot put as many plates and cups on it. I think that a square table is more functional than a round table.
There is a difference, not only in the functional aspects between the two shapes of the table, but the different shapes might affect how we behave when we sit.
When we sit at the square table at a café or restaurant, we easily know “the borderline” between us and others.
Internee Tells Her Family’s Internment Story With ‘Topaz Collages’
By Ralph Honda
The stories of more than 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry who were detained in concentration camps for three years during World War II are recorded on various platforms.
Narratives are told through documentaries, motion pictures, stage plays, articles and storytelling.
For Jeanie Kashima, the first internee born at the Topaz Relocation Center in central Utah, her memories are captured with a combination of art collages and photos through images of her family.
SACBC Holds ‘Forever Young’ Dance to Rock in 2023
by SACBC Event Committee
Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church (SACBC) held its first social event in a few years to begin 2023 with a dance and a bang — and everyone had so, so much fun.
The “Forever Young Reunion Dance,” held Jan. 14, included friends from several Bay Area temples — Oakland, Palo Alto, Mountain View, and San Jose — as well as many friends from SACBC.
There was food, music, friends, dancing and some special guest DJs spinning the tunes. We welcomed DJ Nino Yello (Todd Ninokata from Kreations From Above), Rystylz (Ryan Fukui from KZSU’s Art of the Breaks), DJ Taka (Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji) and DJ Yamix (Kyle Yamasaki) with guest bassist, Rev. Harry Bridge (Buddhist Church of Oakland), who performed a jam session with DJ Taka.
Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:
Visit Wheel of Dharma online to read this month’s issue in newsprint format and access the digital archives:
Buddhist Events
The Benefits of a Life of Gratitude: Benefits of Shin Buddhism
March 11, 2023, 11:00am – 1:00pm PST
Rev. Dr. Akahoshi served as the resident minister of the Buddhist Temple of San Diego for 8 years and recently retired. He received a master’s degree from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto and a Masters of Buddhist study from the Institute of Buddhist Studies of Berkeley, CA. He originated (1998) and continues to conduct annual Shin Buddhist Retreats in California, Washington, and Hawaii.
March 18, 2023, 11:00 am – 1:00pm PST
Rev Dr. David Matsumoto is the president of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. He will continue his series about the meaning of Shinjin. This is part 3 of his 4 part online series. Parts 1 & 2 are on the CBE Youtube Channel if you wish to view them.
What Is Obon?
March 25, 2023, 11:00 am PST
The Bon Odori Taiko subcommittee, with TaikoVentures – a new Taiko Community organization – is proud to present a live webinar with Rev. Masao Kodani and Nobuko Miyamoto discussing Obon. In this discussion, we will explore topics around how Obon festivals, music, dance, and authenticity developed in the US and how it continues to evolve.
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Dana Program for
Buddhist Education
Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:
  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Dr. Lilu Chen Joins IBS as Field Education Director
By Rev. Gesshin Greenwood
The Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to announce that Dr. Lilu Chen has joined our academic staff and will be serving as our new Field Education Director. In this position, Dr. Chen will develop relationships with field education sites, and support students in our Master of Divinity Program as they fulfill their field education requirements.
IBS Events
Learn more about these events on the IBS Website.
The 2023 Taitetsu Unno Memorial Lecture
4:00pm – 6:00pm PST
The Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to announced the Taitetsu Unno Memorial lecture, to be delivered by Dr. Ruben Habito, and held on Friday March 31, from 4-6pm, both in person at the Jodo Shinshu Center and virtually.
IBS Job Opening: Senior Accountant
Responsibilities for this full-time, hybrid/remote position include:
  • Performing month-end close and preparing monthly account reconciliations and journal entries.
  • Reviewing and preparing endowment-related schedules. Reviewing investment statements, investment manager summaries, and preparing monthly reconciliation of endowment schedules.
  • Preparing and processing monthly payroll.
  • Assisting in the preparation of financial reports and analysis including monthly, quarterly, year-end reporting (W-2s and 1099s) and other outside reporting.
Qualifications include B.A. degree in accounting and 7 to 10 years of progressive experience in accounting.
Young Buddhist Editorial
EcoDharma – Earth Day Open Call for Submissions
DUE: April 7th
The Social Justice Committee is excited to announce an open call for submissions centered on EcoDharma and the ways that we all practice environmentalism in our daily lives.
With Earth day coming up in April, we’re looking to showcase your creativity in considering environmentalism and sustainability! What does EcoDharma mean to you?
Submissions can come in any form and length – poems, articles, paintings, videos ~ anything you feel called to!
Questions? Email us at
Interested in joining YBE? Fill out our Welcome Form!
The Young Buddhist Editorial is expanding and looking for new people to join. We welcome all types of expertise, interests, and capacities!
Email for more information.
YBE is a space for young Buddhists to express themselves and build solidarity with other young persons, advocates, and allies across the country. To learn more about YBE, visit their website and Facebook page.
Digital Dharma Continues to Grow
Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos by clicking here.
BCA YouTube Channel
Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can be found on the BCA YouTube channel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added regularly.
Reading Shinran with Rev. Yuki Sugahara
Rev. Sugahara continues to explore the Shin Buddhist teachings of Shinran with Notes on the Inscriptions on Sacred Scrolls. Rev. Sugahara previously read Tannisho and Shinran’s three major poetry collections. View the playlists on Oregon Buddhist Temple’s YouTube.
Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities
Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.
Please send any digital dharma resource links to
BCA Online Bookstore
The BCA Bookstore has resumed operations. Please visit their newly refreshed website here.
Suggested Reading
American Sutra: A story of faith and freedom in the second world war.
The mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II is not only a tale of injustice; it is a moving story of faith. In this pathbreaking account, Duncan Ryūken Williams reveals how, even as they were stripped of their homes and imprisoned in camps, Japanese American Buddhists launched one of the most inspiring defenses of religious freedom in our nation’s history, insisting that they could be both Buddhist and American.
The Shin Buddhist Service Book is available as a PDF on Google Drive. Please note when downloading that it is a very large file.
Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.

3/6/2023 – CBE E-News – Center for Buddhist Education


Please encourage your high school age YBA members to attend this fun and educational workshop event!

Save the date for a very interesting video presentation about Buddhist Holidays. No registration necessary. Just log onto the CBE Youtube Channel and watch the video on 5/13/23 @ 11am (PT)
CBE YouTube Channel
SAVE THE DATE!!! The BCA Youth Retreat (BYR) will be in person at the Jodo Shinshu Center on 6/25/23 – 7/1/23. Space is limited to be sure to sign up early to get your spot in this amazing program. Check out the short video promo below!



2/14/2023 – BCA National Council Meeting – Public Events

The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) will be holding the National Council Meeting. These events/meetings will be attended by the designated leaders of Temples/Churches in the BCA. 

A few of these events/meetings will be “Open to All” to attend.  We encourage BCO Sangha members to attend these “Open” meetings. They will be held presented via Zoom Meetings.

February 18, 2023

February 23, 2023

February 26, 2023

These are online events open to the public. We encourage BCO Sangha members  to participate.

3/12/2023 – 800|850 Joint Service

850th Anniversary of Shinran Shonin’s Birth
800th Anniversary of the Establishment of Jodo Shinshu Teachings
March 12, 2023 – 10am at Palo Alto Buddhist Temple


The Buddhist Churches of America, Bay District will be conducting the Joint Services of the 850th Anniversary of Shinran Shonin’s Birth & the 800th Anniversary of the Establishment of Jodo Shinshu Teachings on March 12, 2023 at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple from 10 AM.

The BCA Bishop, Rev. Marvin Harada will be the officiant and in attendance will be all the Bay District Ministers from the nine Bay District Temples.  While we are encouraging in-person attendance, the service will also be streamed via Zoom.  After the service, we will break into smaller groups for Dharma sharing, activities for the Dharma School students and the Jr. Young Buddhist Adult groups.  A bento lunch will be available following the sessions in the gym.  Bento lunch must be pre-ordered through your local temple.  Please check with your local temple for more details.

Donations will be gratefully accepted online at or by check payable to BCAEF (with BD 850/800 in the memo).  Proceeds will go the BCA Dharma Forward Campaign.  Donations can be sent to the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple at 2751 Louis Road, Palo Alto, CA. 94303 prior to the service or collected that day. 

For more information about the service contact Rev. Dean Koyama at

*** BCO/Oakland  Members who would like to  attend, please contact the Church Office by Thursday February 23th to RSVP and to Order Lunch ***

  • RSVP requested. Space is limited at Palo Alto Buddhist Temple. 
  • Lunch option is Chickent/Salmon or Vegitarian or Child bento lunch. BCO will be covering the lunch cost. Lunch orders due by Thursday February 23rd to the BCO Office (Contact us).


1/13/2023 CBE E-News

Calling all BCA Performers! Please share your talent for the 3rd annual BCA JAMS Virtual Talent Show. We are looking for singers, musicians, dancers, magicians & anything else entertaining. Click the link below for more info and to register your video. Thank you in advance for making another great show.
The annual BCA Temple Leaders Workshop is back IN-PERSON. It’s a wonderful event full of networking, meeting new folks, and sharing great information to help leaders at their temples. Please make sure you temple is represented!



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