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2024 BCA Archive Posts

11/16/2024 – BCA Connect – November 2024

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10/11/2024 – BCA Connect Newsletter – October 2024

PDF Link


9/18/2024 – BCA Connect Newsletter – September 2024

PDF Link

9/16/2024 – CBE – E-News


The 4th Annual BCA Virtual Art Exhibit is now live! Please visit the page and share the link with all of your friends.

(click the link below)


The special BCA 125th Commemoration Service is online now! Click below to watch.


Watch almost 5 hours of interviews, temple videos and entertainment. What a great way to learn more about our BCA temples and members. Please share the link with all of your Dharma friends.

Please join us in-person (or online) at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley.

9/4/2024posted – BCA 125th Special Service

2024 marks the 125th anniversary of the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) and the 75th anniversary of the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS). 

Sanghas across the United States celebrate the legacy of two ministers who came to the United States from Japan in 1899 to answer the call of Japanese immigrants wanting to hear the Dharma in their new home. This legacy includes our Issei and Nisei pioneers who mortgaged their homes, devoted countless hours, and dedicated their families to supporting temples and hearing the Dharma.

With gratitude and joy we reflect on their efforts, build on their legacy, and continue to forge the Dharma Forward!  Many more can receive the Dharma and ensure that Shiran Shonin’s teachings continue to be shared for generations to come!  


Website Link

8/16/2024 – BCA Connect – Newsletter – August 2024

BCA Connect: August 2024
Our 125th Anniversary is right around the corner! Here’s some ways you can take part in the upcoming celebrations:

  • Tune into the livestream of our 125th Anniversary service and telethon on September 1st on Youtube.
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.

The Exceptional Life and Times of George Teraoka

George Toshiyuki Teraoka was larger than life, and what a life it was — all 102 years of it.

For the record, Teraoka was a grower, farmer, food processor, inventor, devoted family man, mentor to thousands of people, and a dedicated community servant.

He had a charismatic personality, and was an affable, articulate man with boundless energy and curiosity. He gave freely of his time to spreading the Dharma and lived a life of selflessness, humility and gratitude.

Read the full article here

Dharma Forward Campaign Now at 77% of Goal

We are grateful and inspired.

The Dharma Forward campaign has steadily grown and is now at $11.6 million and has reached 77% of its goal.

With the proceeds, the BCA and Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) have been able to support forward-thinking, growth-based programs.

Some of the projects that have been funded include a new IBS field placement director, IBS dormitory renovation, scholarships to BCA ministerial candidates and scholars, IBS professorial chairs, website development, the BCA Ministerial Assistant Program (MAP), and “Lantern Song” outreach.

Read the full article here

SWC Pledges $25,000 for Noto Quake Relief

In response to the devastating and deadly Noto Peninsula earthquake that struck Japan on New Year’s Day, the BCA Social Welfare Committee (SWC) is committing up to $25,000 to aid with the relief efforts.

The 7.6-magnitude earthquake killed 260 people, injured 13,000 and destroyed 100,000 buildings when it struck on Jan. 1, 2024, northeast of Suzu on the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture.

Read the full article here

How to Help

Donations may be made by check payable to the BCA Endowment Foundation and mailed to: BCA Endowment Foundation, 2140 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704, or by credit card online at

Please note in the memo section of your check “Disaster Relief (Noto)” or if donating online click on the “Select a Campaign” drop-down menu and select “Disaster Relief (Noto)”.

Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school, Sunday paper experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharmaonline in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives.
Wheel of Dharma: August

Upcoming Events

Watch the 125th Telethon!

September 1, 2024 | Online

Commemoration Service: 10AM

Virtual Telethon: 11:30AM

See the commitment of the BCA sangha and the connections we make. Support meaningful causes and ensure the continued growth of programming. Your financial support of the telethon means increased future quality programs and engagement opportunities! Support Celebration Day at

The information you need on the BCA’s 125th Celebration can be found below:

125th Anniversary Homepage

Techno Hoyo U.S. Tour

September 2024 | Various Dates

New York City, NY

Los Angeles, CA

San Jose, CA

Techno Hoyo is a fusion of Buddhist teachings and electronic beats. Rev. Gyosen Asakura and Madoka Kohno from cyberNamunamu transform age-old Buddhist teachings into an immersive and inspirational experience with the talent of visual artist, Ken-ichi Kawamura.

Crafted to be dynamic and captivating, this event transcends cultural and generational boundaries, breathing new life into these traditional teachings.

Find a Tour Date Near You!

Celebrating Women of the BCA Seminar

Saturday September 28, 2024

9:30-5:00PM | Jodo Shinshu Center

Celebrate the legacy and enduring impact of women in the growth of the BCA and inspire your path forward!  Register NOW for the Women of the BCA seminar to secure your spot!

Register Here

TechnoBuddha Conference RE:CONNECTION

October 12, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

The TechnoBuddha conference is back! This year will be all about reconnecting with one another as well as inspiring the next generation of TechnoBuddha leaders.

All adults 21+ are invited to register. Registration closes October 1st.

Register Here

The Dharma Forward Campaign

When the world feels heavy we lighten the road by seeking to understand each other. With gratitude in our hearts we can see what is happening around us more clearly and find a path out of the darkness. With Dharma Forward we continue to find, cultivate, and nurture the future. Help support these efforts with your donation to Dharma Forward.

Donate to Dharma Forward

For All CBE Events:

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for any virtual events. All event times listed are Pacific time unless otherwise noted. Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.

Please contact or 510-809-1460 for more information on any events or programs. To stay in the know about new CBE programs and news, watch our videos on BCA Center for Buddhist Education YouTube Channel or sign up to receive CBE E-news

Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:

  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.

Make an online offering today at

Institute of Buddhist Studies

Check out the IBS website for any new events!

IBS Website

Digital Dharma Continues to Grow

Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos here.

BCA YouTube Channel

Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can be found on the BCA YouTubechannel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added regularly.

Start your day with Rev. Yuki Sugahara’s morning services

Rev. Sugahara posts daily morning services and shares his joy of playing music and performing Chinese Martial Arts on his YouTube Channel. On his channel, he enjoys creating videos that capture the ordinary lives of Jodo Shinshu Priests.

Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities

Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.

Please send any digital dharma resource links to

BCA Online Bookstore

Recommended Reads & New Products

Living Nembutsu

by Jeff Wilson

Living Nembutsu is a sourcebook for Jodo Shinshu Buddhists and other interested readers looking to apply Pure Land perspectives to the problems of contemporary society.

The book’s central focus is an exploration of how the life and teachings of Shinran, the founder of Jodo Shinshu (aka Shin) Buddhism, can provide guidance in facing the social and environmental challenges of our times. It examines how Shinran’s unique Buddhist philosophy centres marginalized and oppressed experiences, with particular relevance to the LGBTQ+ community, refugees, racialized persons, and other groups.

View in Bookstore

The BCA Bookstore is online! Any general inquiries can be sent to

BCA Bookstore Website

Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.

Youtube  Facebook  X

Know someone who would enjoy these emails? Share this sign up link with

7/15/2024 – BCA Connect – Newsletter – July 2024

BCA Connect: July 2024
Summer is in full swing! Here’s some ways you can stay connected to the dharma and to your community:

  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTube channel to view dharma content from throughout BCA.

Know someone who would enjoy these emails? Share this sign up link with them:

Youtube  Facebook  X

Yakima is on the Rise, Thanks to BCA Program

Pilot Program’s Goal is to Boost Membership; Positive Results Seen

Twice a month, Rev. Rosalie May of the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple drives 140 miles to the abundant farming area in the central part of Washington as part of a program BCA leaders hope will not only spread the Dharma, but also develop a roadmap to reverse the long membership decline among temples…

The pilot program is intended not only to help a small temple grow, but also to see if there are strategies that other temples can follow as they struggle to attract more members and also entice existing temple members back after the COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions.

Yakima is seeing some positive results, according to temple President Lon Inaba.

“We are continually seeing new faces at the regular services at the temple as well as on Zoom,” Inaba said in a report to the BCA National Council Meeting in February 2023. “Our attendance at the services has blossomed from the six to 12 attendees before the project to 10 to 20 since the project has begun.”

Read the full article here

‘American Bon Odori’ Events Schedule in SF

Cultural Series includes Exhibits, Workshops, Dancing

Vibrant, colorful, and joyous — Obon dancing (Bon Odori) — is a kaleidoscope of movement and rhythm, deeply rooted in Japanese Buddhist traditions.

In the 1930s, Rev. Yoshio Iwanaga introduced Bon Odori to Buddhist communities throughout the West Coast. Since that time, Bon Odori has remained an important Japanese American tradition, through the devastation of World War II concentration camps, the difficult postwar years, and into the 21st century.

As the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) marks its 125th anniversary, “American Bon Odori: Dancing in Joy and Remembrance,” celebrates the legacy of Rev. Yoshio Iwanaga, Obon dance teachers past and present, and all who have entered the dance circle.

Read the full article here

Exhibit and Workshop Details | About American Bon Dancing

Bishop Honored to Take Part in White House Vesak Service

At the end of May, I had the great honor and privilege to participate in the Vesak service at the White House.

This is the fourth time that the Biden Administration has provided this opportunity to share our religious tradition at our nation’s capitol. I was able to participate in the first one held four years ago, and each year, it has grown. This year, there were nearly 100 people in attendance with our main guest, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.

Vesak is the Buddhist observance that honors the birth, the enlightenment, and the passing into nirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha, all in one religious observance. Most of the other Buddhist traditions observe this, while our Shin Buddhist tradition separates the events into Hanamatsuri, Bodhi Day, and Nirvana Day.

At the Vesak, each of the three vehicles of Buddhism were present, Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. I represented Mahayana, along with Bishop Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani from the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara from the Jodo Shinshu International Office, and several Korean Buddhist monks and nuns.

Read the full article here

Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school, Sunday paper experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharma online in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives.
Wheel of Dharma: July

Upcoming Events

Summer Pacific Seminar

August 3, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center & Online

Registration is now open for the Summer Pacific Seminar this August. The topic for this in-person and virtual seminar is “The Significance of Orthodox Teaching in Judo Shinshu”, featuring guest speakers, Rev. John Paraskevopoulos, Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji, and Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara.

Register before July 20 for a discounted rate!

Register Here

Can We Grow Relationship Lotuses from Muddy Conflicts?

August 10, 2024 | 11:00 – 12:45 PM | Online

Conflicts are often muddy. Relationships are tricky. Issues can be sensitive. How do we navigate this landscape without sinking into the mud? Is it possible to grow a lotus under these circumstances? Managing a conflict offers the prospect of increased suffering, but the promise of growth, greater understanding and, in the end, a stronger relationship.

In this seminar, guest speaker, Gregg Krech, will offer some ideas of what to do and what not to do, based on his experience with Japanese Psychology and Buddhism.

Register for Free

BCA 125th Celebration

September 1, 2024 | Online

Commemoration Service: 10AM

Virtual Telethon: 11:30AM

You’re invited! Join us in celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Buddhist Churches of America on September 1st. The celebration will be kicked off with a live-streamed Commemoration Service at 10:00AM PST, followed by a virtual telethon at 11:30AM. The telethon will feature a special program of BCA temples, ministers and talents!

Use this link to join us online 9/1!

Temples & Districts: Send in your videos for the BCA’s 125th Telethon!

Deadline to Submit: July 15th

Submit Your Videos Here

TechnoBuddha Conference RE:CONNECTION

October 12, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

The TechnoBuddha conference is back! This year will be all about reconnecting with one another as well as inspiring the next generation of TechnoBuddha leaders.

All adults 21+ are invited to register. Registration closes October 1st.

Register Here

2nd Annual Fall Seminar Series: Buddhism and Culture

September – December 2024

Buddhist Temple of Marin

This fall, the Buddhist Temple of Marin will be hosting four 60-minute seminars following select dharma services each month. These seminars are open to the public in a hybrid-attendance format, and free with a suggested donation of $20 per participant. Please check their temple website for updates and more information!

Temple Website

Introduction to Basic Buddhism for the West and Beyond

Sept. 7, 2024 – June 7, 2025

Fireside Chats Sessions with 20 Guest Lay Persons and Teachers

This course is designed to provide the basics of Buddhism for those seeking a religious/spiritual foundation through the Dharma. The course consists of 10 sessions on the first Saturday of the month September 7, 2024 – June 7, 2025. For more information & course structure, click here.

Register Here

Celebrating Women of the BCA Seminar

Saturday September 28, 2024

9:30-5:00PM | Jodo Shinshu Center

Women have long played an important supportive and largely “behind the scenes” role in the expansion of the Dharma and at BCA. Today we have many opportunities to grow in leadership, engage in our Sangha, and share the Dharma. Register by September 15th to secure your spot!

Register Here

Share your Obon videos to be featured during our 125th Telethon Celebration!

If you have danced to “Lantern Song”, “Kangie” or “Tanko Bushi” please record a video at your Obon, and send it to me.  We would love to see your temples dancing to the original songs created by our talented BCA members as well as the classic song Tanko Bushi. We hope to share some shorts clips during the BCA Telethon which will broadcast live on September 1st on the BCA YouTube Channel.

Submit Your Videos Here

For All CBE Events:

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for any virtual events. All event times listed are Pacific time unless otherwise noted. Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.

Please contact or 510-809-1460 for more information on any events or programs. To stay in the know about new CBE programs and news, watch our videos on

6/19/2024 – BCA Connect – Newsletter – June 2024

BCA Connect: June 2024
Summer is in full swing! Here’s some ways you can stay connected to the dharma and to your community:

  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTube channel to view dharma content from throughout BCA.

Know someone who would enjoy these emails? Share this sign up link with

Youtube  Facebook  X

Jodo Shin Buddhism Hongwanji-ha Issues Statement Calling for Ceasefire in Gaza

Honzan Urges End to War in Israel, Hamas

On Russia’s aggressive invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, we, the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization, adopted the following resolution on the occasion of our annual General Assembly (March 4, 2022); “As people of Japan, the only nation that has been hit by atomic bombs, as Buddhists who cherish every life, and as Nembutsu followers who aspire for peace across the world, we condemn this aggression by disapproving the self-righteous excuses made by the authoritarian government. As learning from human history, we wish for this war to end at once.” Sadly, we must restate this passage once again as another armed conflict now takes place.

Read the full article here

BCO Dharma School Students Call for Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza

At the Buddhist Church of Oakland’s Dharma School, our students have been learning about the courage of Shinran Shonin and his wife, Eshinni, and their daughter, Kakushinni, who made what some may consider the unpopular or even radical decision for their time to make Buddhism accessible to all people no matter their status in Japanese society.

As the world has been watching suffering unfold in Palestine and Israel, our Dharma School teaching team felt called as Buddhists, as Japanese Americans, as educators, as parents and grandparents, and by the legacy of Shinran Shonin and his family — to call for peace, to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

To that end, our team, along with the compassionate support of our Dharma School families, raised a “Love Demands a Permanent Ceasefire” banner in solidarity with the organization, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity and many other temples, synagogues, and mosques across the Bay Area.

Read the full article here

Rev. Charles K. Hasegawa Fondly Remembered

Minister Served Hawaii Kyodan, IOBT, Stockton Temples; Recalled as Beloved, Respected, Revered

Rev. Charles K. Hasegawa, whose career as a Kaikyoshi minister spanned 36 years from Hawaii to the mainland United States, was remembered as a congenial and popular “regular guy” who was beloved by both Sangha members and the general public.

The BCA Minister Emeritus was the first son of a 21st generation Jodo Shinshu minister family. He grew up in Hawaii and served as a minister for temples in the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (HHMH) from 1974 to 1983 before joining the BCA in 1983. He was Resident Minister of the Idaho-Oregon Buddhist Temple (IOBT) from 1983 to 1996, and then at the Buddhist Church of Stockton from 1996 to 2010. He retired in 2010.

Rev. Hasegawa passed away on March 16 in Stockton at the age of 84.

Read the full article here

Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school, Sunday paper experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharmaonline in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives.
Wheel of Dharma: June

Upcoming Events

Summer Pacific Seminar

August 3, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center & Online

Registration is now open for the Summer Pacific Seminar this August. The topic for this in-person and virtual seminar is “The Significance of Orthodox Teaching in Judo Shinshu”, featuring guest speakers, Rev. John Paraskevopoulos, Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji, and Rev. Kiyonobu Kuwahara.

Register before July 20 for a discounted rate!

Register Here

Can We Grow Relationship Lotuses from Muddy Conflicts?

August 10, 2024 | 11:00 – 12:45 PM | Online

Conflicts are often muddy. Relationships are tricky. Issues can be sensitive. How do we navigate this landscape without sinking into the mud? Is it possible to grow a lotus under these circumstances? Managing a conflict offers the prospect of increased suffering, but the promise of growth, greater understanding and, in the end, a stronger relationship.

In this seminar, guest speaker, Gregg Krech, will offer some ideas of what to do and what not to do, based on his experience with Japanese Psychology and Buddhism.

Register for Free

BCA 125th Celebration

September 1, 2024 | Online

Commemoration Service: 10AM

Virtual Telethon: 11:30AM

You’re invited! Join us in celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Buddhist Churches of America on September 1st. The celebration will be kicked off with a live-streamed Commemoration Service at 10:00AM PST, followed by a virtual telethon at 11:30AM. The telethon will feature a special program of BCA temples, ministers and talents!

Use this link to join us online 9/1!

Temples & Districts: Send in your videos for the BCA’s 125th Telethon!

Deadline to Submit: July 15th

Submit Your Videos Here

TechnoBuddha Conference RE:CONNECTION

October 12, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

The TechnoBuddha conference is back! This year will be all about reconnecting with one another as well as inspiring the next generation of TechnoBuddha leaders.

All adults 21+ are invited to register. Registration closes October 1st.

Register Here

For All CBE Events:

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for any virtual events. All event times listed are Pacific time unless otherwise noted. Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.

Please contact or 510-809-1460 for more information on any events or programs. To stay in the know about new CBE programs and news, watch our videos on BCA Center for Buddhist Education YouTube Channel or sign up to receive CBE E-news

Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:

  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.

Make an online offering today at

Institute of Buddhist Studies

Check out the IBS website for any new events!

IBS Website

Digital Dharma Continues to Grow

Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos here.

BCA YouTube Channel

Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can be found on the BCA YouTubechannel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added regularly.

Start your day with Rev. Yuki Sugahara’s morning services

Rev. Sugahara posts daily morning services and shares his joy of playing music and performing Chinese Martial Arts on his YouTube Channel. On his channel, he enjoys creating videos that capture the ordinary lives of Jodo Shinshu Priests.

Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities

Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.

Please send any digital dharma resource links to

BCA Online Bookstore

Recommended Reads & New Products

Living Nembutsu

by Jeff Wilson

Living Nembutsu is a sourcebook for Jodo Shinshu Buddhists and other interested readers looking to apply Pure Land perspectives to the problems of contemporary society.

The book’s central focus is an exploration of how the life and teachings of Shinran, the founder of Jodo Shinshu (aka Shin) Buddhism, can provide guidance in facing the social and environmental challenges of our times. It examines how Shinran’s unique Buddhist philosophy centres marginalized and oppressed experiences, with particular relevance to the LGBTQ+ community, refugees, racialized persons, and other groups.

View in Bookstore
Engaged Buddhism in Japan Vol. 1

by Jonathan S. Watts

These volumes offer a unique perspective outside of the normal scholarly or sectarian historical presentations of Japanese Buddhism. Volume I uses a socially engaged Buddhist lens to examine key themes in the development of Buddhism in Japan, particularly in their socio-political context. The latter half of this volume then charts the struggles of modern Japanese Buddhists to develop a socially engaged perspective and practice amidst the trials and tribulations of modernity, imperialism, war, and postwar economic boom

View Vol. 1 in Bookstore
Engaged Buddhism in Japan Vol. 2

by Jonathan S. Watts

Out of the distortions of modernity, Volume II offers a series of contemporary case studies of Socially Engaged Buddhist priests (both male and female) who are redefining Japanese Buddhism, and perhaps even Japanese society in the 21st century.

“This revelatory book sheds a whole new light on Buddhism in Japan, a Buddhism that is socially engaged, brave, and totally surprising. This is a must-read for all of us. The writing is bright and clear; the research deep and thorough; the characters in the book are profoundly memorable.”

– Roshi Joan Jiko Halifax

Founder Upaya Zen Center and Buddhist Chaplaincy Training Program

View Vol. 2 in Bookstore

The BCA Bookstore is online! Any general inquiries can be sent to

BCA Bookstore Website

Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.

6/7/2024 – BCA CBE E-News


There is still time to register for the the 7th Annual BCA Youth Retreat. Click the link below for more information, or contact Koichi: if you have any questions.


The Summer Pacific Seminar is hosted by BCA, IBS & JSIO. Please join us for this very interesting discussion with our three panel speakers.


Living the Dharma Presents: How to resolves conflicts?

Please join us for this ONLINE VIRTUAL SEMINAR


Calling all artists. Let’s get your pencils, brushes, tools and canvases ready for the 4th annual BCA Virtual Art Exhibit. Please share your art with our wonderful BCA community.




4/12/2024 – BCA Connect – April 2024

April 2024

Greetings from BCA Connect! Here’s some ways you can stay connected to the dharma and to your community:

  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTube channel to view dharma content from throughout BCA.

Know someone who would enjoy these emails? Share this sign up link with them:

Youtube  Facebook  X

BCA National Council Meeting Celebrates Past, Present, and Future

The first in-person BCA National Council Meeting (NCM) since the pandemic turned out to be an extraordinary celebration of the BCA’s 125th anniversary — paying homage to the countless ancestors who paved the Nembutsu way — while looking to a bright future.

The NCM in Sacramento from Feb. 22-25 not only lived up to its theme — “Embracing the Dharma with Hope and Joy” — the event was, well, joyous. The Northwest District hosted the previous in-person NCM in Renton, Washington, in 2020.

“Coming together in person after four years was like a homecoming. We did not realize how much we missed seeing each other and sharing our recent experiences,” said Peggy Okabayashi of Florin, the President of the Northern California District.

Read the full article here

Steven Terusaki Installed as New BCA President

Steven Terusaki, who has held a variety of leadership positions throughout the BCA, was installed as the 43rd President on Feb. 25 at the National Council Eitaikyo Service in Sacramento.

He ascends to this leadership role during the BCA’s 125th anniversary.

“My hope is captured in the 2024 BCA theme, ‘The Right Time Is Now,’ to recommit and build upon the efforts of our predecessors who devoted their lives to ensuring that the Dharma is available to be heard by all,” he said, adding that he will introduce new approaches to leadership and governance.

Read the full article here

Honoring Yoshiko Miwa,

a BCA Supercentenarian

Yoshiko Miwa is a treasure and one for the ages.

Miwa is a lifelong Buddhist who has watched the development of Jodo Shinshu in the United States for over 12 decades.

This amazing woman celebrated her 110th birthday on Feb. 28, becoming a supercentenarian.

Reaching such a milestone is quite an accomplishment while her growth with the Jodo Shinshu teachings is a history filled with memories and gratitude of her illustrious life.

Read the full message here

Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school, Sunday paper experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharma online in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives.
Wheel of Dharma: April

Upcoming Events

Psychology of Shinjin

May 11 | 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST

Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley & Virtual Zoom option

The Psychology of Shinjin is a is doctrinal, theraputic and practical way Shinjin affects our daily lives. This CBE-sponsored lecture will feature special guests: Rev Kiyonobu Kuwahara, Rev Dr Carmela Javellana, Rev Dr Kenji Akahoshi. Registration is available for in person and Zoom attendance

Register Here

BCA Youth Events:

BYR VII Youth Retreat

June 23, 2024 – June 29, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

Open to high school age youths and first time participants only. Participants will spend a week learning from BCA ministers and instructors, learn Onaijin etiquette and chanting, and meet other youths from around the nation! For more information and registration details, click below.

Register Here

For All CBE Events:

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for any virtual events. All event times listed are Pacific time unless otherwise noted. Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.

Please contact or 510-809-1460 for more information on any events or programs. To stay in the know about new CBE programs and news, watch our videos on BCA Center for Buddhist Education YouTube Channel or sign up to receive CBE E-news

Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:

  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.

Make an online offering today at

Institute of Buddhist Studies

Join us for Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto’s Retirement Celebration

Saturday June 15 | 11:00 AM

The Institute of Buddhist Studies will be honoring Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto, President of The Institute of Buddhist Studies, for his life work and service to both IBS and BCA on the occasion of his retirement. To join us for this special event, please register below.

Register Here

Check out the IBS website for any new events!

IBS Website

Digital Dharma Continues to Grow

Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos here.

BCA YouTube Channel

Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can be found on the BCA YouTube channel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added regularly.

Start your day with Rev. Yuki Sugahara’s morning services

Rev. Sugahara posts daily morning services and shares his joy of playing music and performing Chinese Martial Arts on his YouTube Channel. On his channel, he enjoys creating videos that capture the ordinary lives of Jodo Shinshu Priests.

Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities

Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.

Please send any digital dharma resource links to

BCA Online Bookstore

Our Recommended Read & New Product

The Making of American Buddhism

by Scott A. Mitchell

As of 2010, there were approximately 3-4 million Buddhists in the United States, and that figure is expected to grow significantly. Beyond the numbers, the influence of Buddhism can be felt throughout the culture, with many more people practicing meditation, for example, than claiming Buddhist identity. A century ago, this would have been unthinkable. So how did Buddhism come to claim such a significant place in the American cultural landscape?

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New Item

Amida Pendant: 14K Gold-Filled

This 14k gold-filled pendant of Amida Buddha is a little one inch reminder that can be worn daily.

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The BCA Bookstore is now online! Any general inquiries can be sent to

BCA Bookstore Website

Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.

3/18/2024 – BCA Connect – March 2024

March 2024

Greetings from BCA Connect! Here’s some ways you can stay connected to the dharma and to your community:

  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTube channel to view dharma content from throughout BCA.

Know someone who would enjoy these emails? Share this sign up link with them:

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Rev. Dr. Seigen Yamaoka: Remembering a Great

For most of his life, Rev. Dr. Seigen Haruo Yamaoka shared the Dharma and, through a series of trailblazing accomplishments, became a monumental figure in leading and shaping the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) and the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS).

Rev. Dr. Yamaoka amassed a 44-year career as a Kaikyoshi minister at the Buddhist Church of Oakland and Buddhist Church of Stockton. He served 15 years as BCA Bishop — and concurrently — as IBS President. He was the H.E. Kosho Ohtani Professor of Shin Buddhist Studies and Vice President of Development at IBS. Through his efforts, IBS became a member school of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California, in 2020.

He also led the BCA’s first national fundraising drive, the Campaign for Buddhism in America, in February 1982.

Rev. Dr. Yamaoka passed away on Dec. 15, 2023, in Seal Beach, California, at the age

of 89.

However, all of these accomplishments, and many others, don’t fully describe the full measure of the man and the countless lives he touched and impacted — all over the world. He was particularly beloved by Sangha members, IBS students and colleagues, and his family. He was devoted to his late wife Shigeko. He loved and cherished his two daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren, craved Costco hot dogs, and was most comfortable at home in his Adidas tracksuit and Raiders cap.

Read the full article here

Firefighters Battle Blaze, Save Arizona Temple

Nearly 100 firefighters battled and extinguished a massive overnight fire Feb. 4 at a construction building next to the Arizona Buddhist Temple — and saved the temple from ruin.

The temple suffered some exterior damage, Arizona Minister’s Assistant Rev. Lynn Sugiyama said, and he added that the Hondo and Onaijin areas were not damaged. The Arizona Buddhist Temple was able to continue its Sunday services.

No one was injured in the fire and the cause of the fire is under investigation.

“First off, I want to express my relief at the news about the Arizona Buddhist Temple being saved from the accidental fire,” Supervising Minister Rev. Gregory Gibbs said.

“We were lucky,” Rev. Sugiyama said. “There was no smoke or fire damage inside.”

Read the full article on the fire here

Donate to the Arizona Buddhist Temple

Hoshina Seki Describes Path as a Trans Woman

It was always meant to be. That’s what my life is all about. But let me unravel how this Japanese American was asked to write this article.

First, I do not know why. I am transgender, and my samsara, the continuous cycle of life, death, and rebirth, keeps going on. This means I’ll return many more times until I get it right.

About nine months before the United States declared war on Japan, I was born in a hospital in New York City. Then, 14 months later in May 1942, my father, Rev. Hozen Seki, was arrested and taken to Ellis Island by two FBI agents.

Read the full message here

Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school, Sunday paper experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharma online in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives.
Wheel of Dharma: March

Upcoming Events

Impermanence is a Part of Life: Speaker Panel and Workshop

Sunday, March 17 | 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM PST

Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley & Virtual Zoom option

The Impermanence is a part of life workshop will feature panelists who can provide guidance and insight into how you and your family can take big and small steps to preparing for the end of life of our loved ones. This event is free and in person at the Berkley Buddhist Temple and will be virtually livestreamed at the link below.

Workshop Livestream 3/17

Foundations of Buddhist Chaplaincy: A Japan US Dialogue

March 27-29

Institute of Buddhist Studies

2401 Durant Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704

For registration, please visit the link below.This event is co-sponsored by the Institute of Buddhist Studies. the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, the Numata Foundation, and the Buddhist Ministry Working Group

More Information

Meeting the Moment:

A discussion on interfaith work in addressing and resisting genocide

Saturday, March 30 | 1:00-2:30 PM

Hybrid at Berkeley Buddhist Temple

We invite you to join us for an interfaith conversation featuring leaders from Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, and Christian communities. The speakers are Rev. Michael Yoshii, Rev. Harry Bridge, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, and Dr. Jess Ghannam moderated by Rev. CJ Dunford. Registration encouraged for in person participation and required for virtual livestream link.


Psychology of Shinjin

May 11 | 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST

Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley & Virtual Zoom option

The Psychology of Shinjin is a is doctrinal, theraputic and practical way Shinjin affects our daily lives. This CBE-sponsored lecture will feature special guests: Rev Kiyonobu Kuwahara, Rev Dr Carmela Javellana, Rev Dr Kenji Akahoshi. Registration is available for in person and Zoom attendance

Register Here

Yoga, Buddhism, and a Healthy Lifestyle

Friday, May 24 – Sunday, May 26

Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley

Yoga does not only involve being flexible and doing poses alone! Join us as we explore the relationship of Yoga and Buddhism, participants may be of any age or physical condition. It will be a weekend of fun, relaxation, friendships and stimulating discussions along with gourmet vegetarian food, massages and other events. This event is sponsored by the BCA’s Center for Buddhist Education.

Register Here

BCA Youth Events:

BYR VII Youth Retreat

June 23, 2024 – June 29, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

Open to high school age youths and first time participants only. Participants will spend a week learning from BCA ministers and instructors, learn Onaijin etiquette and chanting, and meet other youths from around the nation! For more information and registration details, click below.

Register Here

For All CBE Events:

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for any virtual events. All event times listed are Pacific time unless otherwise noted. Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.

Please contact or 510-809-1460 for more information on any events or programs. To stay in the know about new CBE programs and news, watch our videos on BCA Center for Buddhist Education YouTube Channel or sign up to receive CBE E-news

Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:

  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.

Make an online offering today at

Institute of Buddhist Studies

Join us for Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto’s Retirement Celebration

Saturday June 15 | 11:00 AM

The Institute of Buddhist Studies will be honoring Rev. Dr. David Matsumoto, President of The Institute of Buddhist Studies, for his life work and service to both IBS and BCA on the occasion of his retirement. To join us for this special event, please register below.

Register Here

Check out the IBS website for any new events!

IBS Website

Digital Dharma Continues to Grow

Find our list of temples with live-streaming and recorded videos here.

BCA YouTube Channel

Bishop’s Messages from Rev. Marvin Harada can be found on the BCA YouTube channel. New dharma content from services, events, and activities is added regularly.

Start your day with Rev. Yuki Sugahara’s morning services

Rev. Sugahara posts daily morning services and shares his joy of playing music and performing Chinese Martial Arts on his YouTube Channel. On his channel, he enjoys creating videos that capture the ordinary lives of Jodo Shinshu Priests.

Virtual meetings, dharma discussions, meditation and other activities

Check local temple e-mails and newsletters to find virtual sessions that keep sanghas connected.

Please send any digital dharma resource links to

BCA Online Bookstore

Our Recommended Reads for January

The Making of American Buddhism

by Scott A. Mitchell

As of 2010, there were approximately 3-4 million Buddhists in the United States, and that figure is expected to grow significantly. Beyond the numbers, the influence of Buddhism can be felt throughout the culture, with many more people practicing meditation, for example, than claiming Buddhist identity. A century ago, this would have been unthinkable. So how did Buddhism come to claim such a significant place in the American cultural landscape?

Dharma is Everywhere: Reflections Shared at the California State Assembly

by Reverends Bob and Patti Oshita

In 2016, Reverends Robert (Bob) and Patricia (Patti) Oshita were asked to be chaplains for the California State Assembly. They were the first Buddhists (and first husband and wife team) to serve the Assembly. Their two-term chaplaincy ended in December 2020. Dharma is Everywhere is an inspiring collection of their mindful and heartwarming messages to the California State Assembly.

View in Bookstore
View in Bookstore
The BCA Bookstore is now online! Any general inquiries can be sent to
BCA Bookstore Website
Jodo Shinshu: A Guide is available as a PDF on the BCA website. This abridged edition provides an overview of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin, and the Jodo Shinshu teaching.

2/15/2024 – BCA Connect Newsletter

February 2024

Greetings from BCA Connect! Here’s some ways you can stay connected to the dharma and to your community:

  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTube channel to view dharma content from throughout BCA.

Know someone who would enjoy these emails? Share this sign up link with them:

Youtube  Facebook  X

You’re invited: Join us for our virtual National Council Meeting Workshops this Saturday!

Embracing the Dharma with Hope and Joy: BCA National Council Meeting Public Workshops

Saturday, February 17 8:30 AM PST

Virtual via Zoom

This Saturday, a series of

workshops will be presented online and open to the public. Click to view the schedule below and access the Zoom link! No registration required.

View Schedule

Bishop’s Message

Humility and Arrogance: Two Sides of the Same Coin

The Shin Buddhist life can be characterized as a life of humility and  humbleness.

Shinran Shonin was the epitome of humility. He never claimed to be enlightened or awakened. His realization was to see his pride and arrogance. Actually, arrogance and humility are two sides of the same coin. To become humble means to awaken to one’s arrogance. Although it might seem like a contradiction, Buddhist insight, awakening, or realization, has this structure of contradiction.

The thing about humility or being humble is that you cannot “strive” to become humble. Let’s say that you take it upon yourself to “strive” to become humble. You think, “I am going to really work at it. I am going to be the most humble person around.” Maybe you give yourself a couple of months to work at it, and you begin to think, “Hey, I am doing pretty good. I think I am becoming more humble. Yeah, I think I am really humble now!”

Read the full message here

Seattle Betsuin Arson Fire and Restoration Fund

The Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Church has established an Arson Restoration Fund in response to the tragic fires that destroyed thousands of historical archives and caused smoke and fire damage to the temple on New Year’s Eve and Jan. 2.

“We appreciate any and all donations towards rebuilding our temple,” the Seattle Betsuin stated in a message on the temple website. “If you are unable to donate at this time, we understand and would appreciate if you shared this with others. Thank you for your kindness as we navigate the next chapter of our history.”

For questions, the email is: For more information about the Arson Restoration Fund, visit the Seattle Betsuin website.

Read the full article on the fire here and the restoration fund here.

Donate to the Restoration Fund

Sakaye Tsuji’s Contributions, Influence Are Legendary

Sakaye Tsuji was born on July 29, 1924, in Genoa Bay on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, the second youngest of Tsugiye and Tobei Kawabata’s four children. She spent part of her youth in Japan but mostly grew up in the city of Duncan in British Columbia. Although her parents were Buddhist, they sent her to a Christian church for a time.

After World War II broke out, the Kawabata family was incarcerated at the Bay Farm camp in Slocan, a former Gold Rush town in southeast British Columbia. In camp, she met a new Shin Buddhist minister, who was a Canadian native who returned home on the last ship out of Japan at the start of the war. Their first meeting occurred when parents invited Rev. Tsuji over for dinner.

Rev. Tsuji was not only the camp Buddhist minister, but principal of the school. Sakaye Kawabata became a teacher at the school. Although Sakaye’s parents didn’t want her to marry a minister, knowing it wouldn’t be an easy life, that’s what she wanted to do.

Read the full message here

Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school, Sunday paper experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharma online in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives.
Wheel of Dharma: February

Buddhist Events

Yoga, Buddhism, and a Healthy Lifestyle

Friday, May 24 – Sunday, May 26

Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley

Yoga does not only involve being flexible and doing poses alone! Join us as we explore the relationship of Yoga and Buddhism, participants may be of any age or physical condition. It will be a weekend of fun, relaxation, friendships and stimulating discussions along with gourmet vegetarian food, massages and other events. This event is sponsored by the BCA’s Center for Buddhist Education.

Register Here

BCA Youth Events: BYR Summer Retreat

June 23, 2024 – June 29, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

Open to high school age youths and first time participants only. Participants will spend a week learning from BCA ministers and instructors, learn Onaijin etiquette and chanting, and meet other youths from around the nation!

All Inquires:

Psychology of Shinjin

May 11 | 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM PST

Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley & Virtual Zoom option

The Psychology of Shinjin is a is doctrinal, theraputic and practical way Shinjin affects our daily lives. This CBE-sponsored lecture will feature special guests: Rev Kiyonobu Kuwahara, Rev Dr Carmela Javellana, Rev Dr Kenji Akahoshi. Registration is available for in person and Zoom attendance

Register Here

For All CBE Events:

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for any virtual events. All event times listed are Pacific time unless otherwise noted. Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.

Please contact or 510-809-1460 for more information on any events or programs. To stay in the know about new CBE programs and news, watch our videos on BCA Center for Buddhist Education YouTube Channel or sign up to receive CBE E-news

Carving the Divine: Film Showing

Sunday, April 21 | 8:30 AM PST

2513 Blanding Avenue, Alameda, CA

The Buddhist Temple of Alameda, Rhythmix Cultural Works, and the BCA Art Committee have joined efforts to present the film Carving the Divine at the Rhythmix theater at 2513 Blanding Avenue in Alameda just 1⁄2 mile from the Buddhist Temple of Alameda. Register today to secure your tickets!

Purchase Tickets

Colors of the Infinite: Contemporary Buddhist Art

March 9 – April 23

Opening Reception: March 9, 1-3 PM

K Gallery at Rhythmix Cultural Works

More Information & Opening Reception RSVP
Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:

  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.

Make an online offering today at

Institute of Buddhist Studies

Numata Symposium Celebrates “Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Practice”<

1/18/2024 – BCA Connect Newsletter

January 2024
Greetings from BCA Connect! Stay connected to the dharma and each other:
  • Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and articles from Wheel of Dharma.
  • Go to the BCA YouTubechannelto view dharma content from throughout BCA.
Encourage members and friends to sign-up at
Youtube  Facebook  Twitter

Seattle Betsuin Arson Fire and Restoration Fund

The Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Church has established an Arson Restoration Fund in response to the tragic fires that destroyed thousands of historical archives and caused smoke and fire damage to the temple on New Year’s Eve and Jan. 2.

“We appreciate any and all donations towards rebuilding our temple,” the

Seattle Betsuin stated in a message on the temple website. “If you are

unable to donate at this time, we understand and would appreciate if you

shared this with others. Thank you for your kindness as we navigate the

next chapter of our history.”

For questions, the email is:

And, for more information about the Arson Restoration Fund, visit the

Seattle Betsuin website at:

Read the full article on the fire here and the restoration fund here.

Donate to the Restoration Fund

Gomonshu’s New Year’s Greeting

Over the last year, innumerable people worldwide have been affected by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and forest fires. I was particularly shocked by the wildfires that devastated the island of Maui in the state of Hawaii. This disaster completely destroyed the temple hall of Lahaina Hongwanji Mission and one temple member was reported to have lost his life. I would like to offer my deepest condolences to all who have perished in those calamities. I would also like to express my sympathies to those who are still coping with the dire situations. It is my sincere hope that all who have been affected will soon be able to return to a normal daily life.

Read the full message here

Bishop’s Message

BCA’s 2024 Theme Is: ‘The Right Time is Now’

This is a quote from Rennyo Shonin, the eighth Gomonshu of our Shin Buddhist tradition. I am sure that most of you are familiar with Rennyo Shonin as the author of the famous letter on the “White Ashes” that is frequently read at funerals and memorial services. Rennyo Shonin was a tremendous propagator of Shin Buddhism and our Hongwanji grew immensely because of his leadership…

This particular phrase, “The Right Time Is Now,” is urging us to listen to the Dharma now, to come to receive the Dharma now, not to wait for tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year.

While we all want our churches and temples to grow, the key to true growth must come from a refocus on the Dharma, on the teachings. When we return to the teachings with a sense of urgency, as if there is no tomorrow, then the teachings become dynamic, relevant, and have an impact on our lives.

Read the full message here

In Appreciation of Tacoma’s Rev. Gladys Pratt

by Bill Teague

Today, we appreciate and accept the diversity in our ministry.

But in 1936, the ordination of Rev. Gladys Sunya Pratt at the Tacoma Buddhist Church (later the Tacoma Buddhist Temple) was truly groundbreaking.

The press descriptions of the time likely seem racist and sexist when describing Rev. Pratt as the “First White Buddhist Priestess.” Surprisingly, those terms were supplied by her sponsor, the Buddhist Mission to North America (BMNA), precursor to the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA).

Who was she really? Gladys Brice was born on Feb. 6, 1898, in Great Britain. Around the age of 14, she picked Buddhism for her spiritual path. She had studied all world religions, as urged by her philosopher father. She continued to study Buddhism on her own.

Read the full article here


Discover more stories and articles to connect with

Visit the BCA Connect blog to read and share BCA news, announcements, and individual articles from Wheel of Dharma:

BCA Connect Blog
For the old-school experience, you can now read this month’s issue of the Wheel of Dharma online in newsprint format and access the rest of our digital archives:
Wheel of Dharma: January

Buddhist Events

Winter Pacific Seminar: Buddhism and War

January 27, 2024

9:00am – 12:00pm

Come listen to Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Tanaka. and guest speakers (English Speakers) Rev. Iwohara, Rev. Turner, Rev. Quon, (Japanese Speakers) Rev. Wondra, Rev. Furumoto.

In person and virtual event:

Gardena Buddhist Church

1517 West 166th St

Gardena, CA 90247

The registration deadline has been extended to Sunday, January 21st.

Register Here

BCA Youth Events – Save the Date

BYR Seattle Event

This event has been cancelled.

BYR Summer Retreat

June 23, 2024 – June 29, 2024

Jodo Shinshu Center

High School Age first time participants only

Temple Leaders Workshop

February 2-3, 2024 | Jodo Shinshu Center

BCA & CBE are hosting their annual all day workshop event for BCA Temple Leaders. We are inviting 1-2 representatives from all of our BCA temples. This workshop event is a wonderful place to network and meet other leaders, share our temple successes and challenges, and provide inspiration and tools for better leadership. Please join us for this very special in-person event.

The registration deadline for this workshop has been extended to Saturday, January 27th.

Register Here
For All CBE Events:
Registration required to receive Zoom link. All times listed are Pacific time.
Donations to CBE are gratefully accepted here.
Contact or 510-809-1460 for more information.
Dana Program for

Buddhist Education

Support Buddhism in America through annual programs that educate, connect, and enrich our community:
  • Expand technology and digital media to guide new seekers to Shin Buddhist communities
  • Connect members to innovative virtual programming
  • Highlight the inspirational messages of our ministers.
Make an online offering today at
Institute of Buddhist Studies

Numata Symposium Celebrates “Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Practice”

By Rev. Gesshin Greenwood

On October 6, 2023, Buddhist scholars and students from around the country gathered at the Institute of Buddhist studies to celebrate the “Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Practice,” edited by Paula Arai and Kevin Trainor. Each panelist presented a paper on their chapter in the anthology, followed by a moderated discussion and then question and answers.

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IBS Events
Learn more about these events on the IBS Website.

1/8/2024 posted – BCA Youth Events – BYR Summer Retreat 2024

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